» tegus 吃蛇和其他蜥蜴吗?

tegus 吃蛇和其他蜥蜴吗?

众所周知,泰格斯是机会主义的食客, 在野外消耗各种猎物, 包括蛇和其他小型爬行动物.

所以是的, tegus 可以吃蛇, lizards and reptiles – but these are not a primary food source in their diet.

野外的 Tegus 主要作为小型哺乳动物食用, 鸟类, 昆虫, 两栖动物 (青蛙) 和水果.

Tegu and snake
Tegu vs Snake

Can you feed other lizards to a tegu?

是的, you can feed your tegu feeder lizards such as Anoles and House Geckos.

You should however avoid feeding them reptiles you catch yourself, only purchase feeder lizards from reputable sources.

Feeder lizards are a healthy addition to a juvenile tegu’s diet because they count as whole prey and are small enough for them to consume.

Keep in mind however that you do not necessarily need to feed reptiles to a tegu and it is perfectly fine to stick to insects, 老鼠, chicks and seafood as protein sources.

There are also reptilinks options made from iguana meat, which is an excellent choice if you want to include reptiles in your tegu’s diet. 你可以得到 $5 off your order using code “PETSWITHSCALES” at checkout.

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Can tegus eat reptile eggs?

In addition to eating reptiles, tegus are very good at foraging for their eggs.

They will eat snake eggs as well as eggs from crocodiles and lizards, 和 bird eggs as well.

If you own both tegus and snakes, you can feed your tegu “slugs” (unfertilized snake eggs) as well as eggs from any other reptile, as long as they are appropriately sized for the tegu.

