» 亚洲水监测


Juvenile Black Dragon Lizard

Meet The Black Dragon Lizard

  • 巨蜥

The Black Dragon Lizard is a variant of the Southeast Asian Water Monitor and is known for its striking black color

亚洲水监测 (Varanus Salvator)

Asian Water Monitor Care – 信息, 外壳, 饮食 & 健康

  • 巨蜥

The Asian Water Monitor (巨蜥救世主), also known as the Water Monitor or Common Water Monitor, is a captivating reptile popularly kept as a pet. Renowned for its impressive size, intelligence, and unique characteristics, this species has become a sought-after choice for reptile enthusiasts. As one of the largest monitor lizards in the world, the Asian Water Monitor demands attention and respect with its commanding presence. In terms of habitat,… 阅读更多 »Asian Water Monitor Care – 信息, 外壳, 饮食 & 健康

Ackie 巨蜥


  • 巨蜥

照顾巨蜥并非易事,因为这些动物需要每天的关注和特定的环境条件才能茁壮成长和快乐. 如果您拥有萨凡纳监视器或任何大蜥蜴, 你需要确保他们每天都能获得食物, 水和娱乐, 他们的环境干净,有充足的光和热源, 并进行健康检查… 阅读更多 »监视器蜥蜴护理技巧