» 巨蜥


Monitor Lizard in the house

  • 巨蜥

Monitor lizards can be intimidating due to their size and appearance. 然而, there are several ways to deter them from entering your property.

Legality of Monitor Lizards in New York

Can You Own a Monitor Lizard in New York State?

  • 巨蜥

New York State has specific laws governing the ownership of exotic animals including large reptiles like Monitor lizards. These laws allow, restrict, or prohibit the ownership of certain species of animals. The Department of Conservation (十二月) regulates most exotic animals. Many species of monitor lizards are illegal to own as pets in New York, particurarly those that are very large in size. Restricted Species Citing regulations from the aformentioned Department of… 阅读更多 »Can You Own a Monitor Lizard in New York State?

Juvenile Black Dragon Lizard

Meet The Black Dragon Lizard

  • 巨蜥

The Black Dragon Lizard is a variant of the Southeast Asian Water Monitor and is known for its striking black color

Quince Monitor / Yellow Monitor

Quince Monitor Care Sheet

  • 巨蜥

The Quince Monitor aka Yellow Monitor (Varanus melinus), is a medium-sized species of monitor lizard native to Southeast Asia. Known for their vibrant coloration and active behavior, they are a popular choice among reptile enthusiasts. 在野外, Quince Monitors inhabit the tropical rainforests and swamps of countries like Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. They are semi-aquatic creatures and are often found near bodies of water. Quince Monitor Info Physical Characteristics… 阅读更多 »Quince Monitor Care Sheet

Smaller species of Monitor lizards are allowed in British Columbia, but not in Toronto

Are Monitor Lizards Legal in Canada?

  • 巨蜥

Depending on where you are located, you may or may not be able to keep a Monitor lizard as a pet in Canada. British Columbia allows the possession of most Monitor lizards which are commonly found in the pet trade, with some exceptions. Some of the most popular pet Monitor lizards, such as Ackie Monitors (Varanus acanthurus), Savannah Monitors (发疹巨蜥), and Timor Monitors (Varanus timorensis) are generally allowed. This… 阅读更多 »Are Monitor Lizards Legal in Canada?


15 世界上最大的蜥蜴

蜥蜴是一种多样化的爬行动物,除南极洲外,每个大陆都可以找到蜥蜴. 它们的尺寸范围很广,从可以放在指尖上的微小壁虎到可以重过的大型显示器 100 公斤.


你可以养一只 Perentie 作为宠物吗?

  • 巨蜥

Perentie 是澳大利亚最大的巨蜥, 也是世界上最大的之一. 它可以达到 2.5 米长,重量达 20 公斤. 这种巨型蜥蜴具有强大的咬合力,可以注入毒液, 锋利的爪子可以撕裂肉, 和一条肌肉发达的尾巴,可以像鞭子一样抽动.