» 尼罗河监视器


Savannah Monitor eating insects


  • 巨蜥

The best insects for monitor lizards, include dubia roaches, 角虫, 蜡虫, 超级蠕虫, 粉虫, 蟋蟀, 黑水兵蝇幼虫, 蝴蝶虫, 和蚕.

尼罗河监视器 (尼罗巨蜥)

尼罗河巨蜥护理 – 信息, 外壳, 饮食 & 健康

  • 巨蜥

Caring for a Nile monitor as a pet requires a spacious enclosure that mimics their natural habitat, proper heating and lighting, and a varied diet consisting of meat, 鱼, 和昆虫. 然而, it’s important to note that Nile monitors are considered some of the most aggressive and challenging species to tame, requiring experience and knowledge to handle properly.

现在在格鲁吉亚拥有 Tegus 是非法的

格鲁吉亚不再允许某些 Tegu 和 Monitor 蜥蜴物种作为宠物

10 月 22 日星期二,乔治亚州自然资源委员会投票决定限制未来对外来爬行动物的所有权,以应对威胁本地生态系统的入侵物种数量的增加. 该禁令是专门为解决两种入侵爬行动物的问题而制定的, 缅甸蟒蛇和阿根廷黑白特古蜥蜴, 他们是从南美洲进口的,经常被释放或逃到… 阅读更多 »格鲁吉亚不再允许某些 Tegu 和 Monitor 蜥蜴物种作为宠物

Are Monitor Lizards Dangerous?


  • 巨蜥

巨蜥, such as the Komodo dragon, 可以长到 10 feet in size and are dangerous carnivores, yet are commonly kept as house pets due to their relative docility with consistent handling. While they can be venomous, their bites are usually treatable with antibiotics and not fatal to humans. 然而, there has been at least one case of a man being killed by his pet monitors, which may have been due to an infection from a bite rather than an intentional attack.



  • 巨蜥

巨蜥作为宠物变得越来越普遍,它们可以在适当的情况下成为一个伟大的爬行动物伴侣. These creatures are highly intelligent, 相当互动, 可以驯服甚至训练. 然而,饲养巨蜥是一项巨大的承诺, 在时间和成本方面, 和照顾大, 异国情调的野生动物绝对不适合所有人. Monitor Lizard Pets Many species of monitor… 阅读更多 »你能养一只巨蜥当宠物吗?