» Uromastyx 护理

Uromastyx 护理

Uromastyx Lizard Diet: 水果


  • 鲫鱼

Uromastyx can eat a small amount of fruit as part of their diet. Suitable options include strawberries, 黑莓, 蓝莓, and raspberries. 此外, 适可而止, fruits like cantaloupe, dates, figs, guava, kiwi, 木瓜, mango, and pineapple can be offered.

Uromastyx 吃

Uromastyx 食物和饮食要求

  • 鲫鱼

Uromastyx几乎完全是食草动物, 并且没有必要给它们喂食任何昆虫或肉类. Their strict vegetarian diet consists of leaves, 花卉, 豆类, 谷物, 各种草药和蔬菜. 宠物 uromastyx 不需要太多水,因为它们直接从饮食中的蔬菜中吸收水分, 所以你不需要每天提供一碗淡水. Best Food for Uromastyx Because… 阅读更多 »Uromastyx 食物和饮食要求