» 特古烧伤: 迹象, 温度, 期间

特古烧伤: 迹象, 温度, 期间

Brumation是冬眠的爬行动物等价物, 那是, 在这段时间里,动物减缓自身新陈代谢并停止几乎所有活动以保存能量并度过冬天.

在野外, 当秋天的日子开始变短时,tegus 将撤退到安全的地方躲藏并留在那里 6-7 月 直到春天到来.

在这个磨合期 tegu会睡很多,不吃任何食物, 几乎不喝水.


tegus 需要 brumate 吗?

被囚禁, tegus 不一定需要经过 brumation.

在没有触发休眠的条件的情况下 (更短的日周期, 较低的温度) 外壳内, tegu 只会保持活跃, 喂养和成长.

事实上, 不烧伤的 tegus 往往会变大 与那些做的人相比.

唯一潜在的健康问题 跳过布鲁化是对生育能力的潜在影响.


关于烧伤及其影响的研究仍然有限 (或缺乏) 有很忙, 但为了安全起见: 如果你打算 繁殖特古蜥蜴, 最好让他们接受烧伤 尤其是当他们还年轻且仍在成熟时.


鼓励你的 tegu 进入 brumation 的最好方法是建立一个类似于其自然栖息地的生活环境,尤其是季节的变化.

有一种误解,认为冬天的时候 tegus brumate 因为气温较低, 但实际上并非如此.

灼伤似乎是由多种环境因素共同引发的 减少日光似乎影响最大。

诱发烧伤, 尝试逐渐减少灯在外壳中亮起的时间, 将计时器设置为 8 小时而不是 12, 如果您有多个灯,则开始将它们一一完全关闭.

一旦 tegu 入睡, 你实际上可以在冬天剩下的时间里关掉所有的灯, 节省能源费用实际上是 tegu 所有者的主要“好处”之一.


在冬季,您可以将温度降低到 55°F – 70°F 左右 (13°C-21°C). 单独较低的温度不会引起烧伤, 但是如果你的 tegu 正在冬眠,它可以帮助保持外壳凉爽,以帮助减缓它们的新陈代谢,就像它们在冬天一样.

Argentine Red Tegu
Tegus may display lower levels of activity, spend most of their time hiding and avoid eating altogether during brumation.

如何在 brumation 期间照顾和喂养你的 tegu

当 tegu 开始显示第一个 迹象表明他们即将进入烧伤状态, 他们会逐渐变得不那么活跃, 比平时睡得更多,在笼子里呆的时间更多.



在此刻, 他们基本上会睡几个月,不需要光也不需要食物. 你应该准备一碗淡水,但他们很可能不会喝任何水.

tegu 可能会不时醒来并出来, 在这种情况下,您可以尝试提供一些食物,看看他们是否接受, 他们很可能会在之后马上回去睡觉.

请记住 一个tegu可以在冬天不吃东西几个月, 所以不要惊慌.




Tegus 会自然而然地开始变得更加活跃,因为他们从伤痕中走出来, 醒来并更频繁地离开他们的皮以晒太阳.

在这个阶段, 现在开始再次为他们提供食物还为时过早, 但请确保为他们提供淡水.

监视您的宠物几周, 在此期间,他们要么重新入睡,要么变得越来越活跃.

在这种情况下, 您可以开始逐渐向他们重新引入食物,然后将灯重新打开 12 小时开/关时间表.

Ultimate tegu brumation guide. 资源: The Reptile Professor

What is tegu brumation?

Tegu brumation is the reptile equivalent of mammalian hibernation, a period of dormancy that helps tegus conserve energy and survive the winter months.

磨伤期间, tegus will become less active and eat less. They may also lose weight. Some tegus may even bury themselves in their substrate.

What triggers brumation?

The primary trigger for brumation is the shortening of days. 然而, other factors such as changes in temperature, 湿度, and atmospheric pressure can also play a role.

在野外, tegus use the shortening of days to know when it is time to start preparing for winter.

被囚禁, tegus may brumate even if they are kept in a warm environment, as long as the days are short enough.

Do all tegus need to undergo brumation?

不, not all tegus need to undergo brumation.

Captive tegus that are kept in a warm and well-lit environment may not brumate at all.

然而, brumation is a natural process that is important for tegus, and it can help to improve their overall health and lifespan.

What are the signs that my tegu is getting ready to brumate?

Some of the signs that your tegu is getting ready to brumate include:

  • Decreased activity
  • Decreased appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Sleeping for longer periods of time
  • Seeking out cool, dark places to hide

When does brumation start?

Tegus typically start to brumate in the fall, when the days get shorter and the temperature drops, but the exact timing can vary depending on the individual tegu and the climate.

How long does brumation last?

Brumation can last anywhere from 4 至 7 月, but some tegus may even brumate for longer periods of time in cooler climates that have longer winter periods with short days.

Can you stop brumation?

It is not possible to completely stop a tegu from brumating, but you can try to delay the onset of brumation by providing your tegu with a warm and well-lit environment and increasing the amount of food that you offer.

Your best bet if you want to prevent your tegu from going into brumation is the amount of light you offer throughout the day in winter.

How do you care for a tegu during brumation?

Here are some tips on how to care for a tegu during brumation:

  • Make sure that your tegu has a cool, dark place to brumate, with a temperature between 50 和 60 华氏度.
  • Reduce the amount of food that you offer your tegu during brumation, but still offer small meals every few days.
  • Make sure your tegu has access to fresh water at all times.
  • Monitor your tegu’s weight and condition during brumation, and consult with a veterinarian if you are concerned about your tegu’s health.
  • Provide your tegu with a humid environment, and mist the enclosure regularly if needed.



黑色的 & 带毛的白色泰古
