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特古蜥蜴护理指南和信息: 外壳要求, 饮食和喂养, 健康事实等. 如何饲养和照顾作为宠物的特古 – 阿根廷黑白 tegus, 红很忙, 哥伦比亚金特格斯, ETC.

Largest Pet Lizards

The Largest Species of Lizards You Can Keep as Pets

Lizards are popular pets for many people, and there are many different species to choose from, from common house geckos to bearded dragons, which can make for exotic yet trusty companions. But while most species of reptiles are rather small in size, there are lizards out there as big as cats and dogs – or even bigger. And yes, some of them you can own. The largest species of lizard… 阅读更多 »The Largest Species of Lizards You Can Keep as Pets

Adult Black & White Argentine Tegu Lizard

Guberty A.K.A Tegu Puberty: 这 “Terrible Twos”

During guberty, your Tegu may go from sweet to sassy. Brace yourself for moody behavior and remember, it’s just a phase. With patience and enrichment, navigate through this challenging but temporary stage of their development. Embrace the journey and watch your rebellious companion mature into a cherished adult.


Tegu 围栏的最佳植物

Learn about the best plants for tegu enclosures and tips for setting them up to ensure their survival. Avoid toxic plants and choose sturdy, established plants to minimize the risk of damage to your enclosure.


如何为您的 Tegu 创建生物活性外壳: 分步指南

A bioactive enclosure can greatly benefit the health and well-being of tegus. It mimics their natural ecosystem, providing a self-sustaining environment with live plants and beneficial organisms. This reduces stress, improves digestion, and requires less maintenance.

Tegus 可以吃大多数类型的鱼,包括金枪鱼和鲑鱼, 但要适度.

特古蜥蜴最好的鱼 – 你需要知道什么

Tegus 可以安全地食用大多数类型的鱼, 但重要的是选择合适的品种并适当地准备它们. 有些鱼含有一种酶,如果喂食过量会导致维生素 B1 缺乏和神经损伤. 推荐鱼种包括罗非鱼等淡水鱼, 鳕鱼, 黑线鳕, 和鲑鱼, 但采购高质量的产品至关重要, 鲜鱼适量喂食.

特古餐准备: 网, 馅饼 & 包装食谱

特古餐准备: 特固网 & Patties Recipes

Finding suitable food for your pet tegu lizard is not a difficult task, but commercially available Tegu food can be expensive and may not always have the best ingredients. One of the best ways to save money on food for your tegu is to prepare it yourself, 并使用现成的, 新鲜的, 确保多样化饮食的健康成分. Meal prepping your tegu’s food in advance can save you… 阅读更多 »特古餐准备: 特固网 & Patties Recipes

Tegu and Snake

tegus 吃蛇和其他蜥蜴吗?

众所周知,泰格斯是机会主义的食客, 在野外消耗各种猎物, 包括蛇和其他小型爬行动物. 所以是的, tegus 可以吃蛇, 蜥蜴和爬行动物 – 但这些并不是他们饮食中的主要食物来源. 野外的 Tegus 主要作为小型哺乳动物食用, 鸟类, 昆虫, 两栖动物 (青蛙) 和水果. Can you feed other lizards to a tegu? 是的, you can… 阅读更多 »tegus 吃蛇和其他蜥蜴吗?

Tegus 是一种智能生物,可以被驯服为宠物,甚至可以在一定程度上破坏房屋.

特古塔明, 处理和便盆训练技巧

驯服特古犬是一种有益的体验, 因为这些聪明的蜥蜴以与他们的照顾者建立牢固的联系而闻名. 然而, 耐心和理解地对待驯服很重要, 因为 tegus 可能很胆小,可能需要时间来适应新的环境和人. 你是否拥有阿根廷黑白特古, 一个红色的特古, 或哥伦比亚特古, 有几个关键策略… 阅读更多 »特古塔明, 处理和便盆训练技巧