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Uromastyx lizards care guide and information: 外壳要求, 饮食和喂养, 健康等. How to keep and care for spiny tail lizards as a pet – Mali uromastyx, Egyptian uromastyx, Ornate uromastyx, ETC.

Uromastyx and strawberries

Can Uromastyx Eat Strawberries?

  • 鲫鱼

Uromastyx can eat strawberries. They should be fed in moderation due to their high sugar content, which can lead to health issues such as obesity and diabetes if consumed excessively.

Uromastyx and berries

What Berries Can Uromastyx Eat?

  • 鲫鱼

Uromastyx lizards can eat berries, 但要适度. 山莓, 蓝莓, 草莓, 黑莓, 桑葚对于胡须龙来说都是安全的. 这些浆果是维生素的良好来源, 矿物质, 和抗氧化剂, 但它们的糖含量也很高. 太多浆果会导致肥胖和其他健康问题.

Moroccan Uromastyx

Moroccan Uromastyx For Sale

  • 鲫鱼

The Moroccan Uromastyx, also known as the Moroccan Spiny-Tailed Lizard or “Eye” Lizard, is a species of Uromastyx native to the dry scrublands of Morocco, North Africa. They are known for their unique frog-like face, short spiked tail, and very small scales compared to other agamids. They are quite long-lived with individuals recorded at 30 years old but with a more average lifespan of 15 年. Moroccan Uromastyx lizards are… 阅读更多 »Moroccan Uromastyx For Sale

Uromastyx 蜥蜴和花


  • 鲫鱼

Uromastyx 是草食性蜥蜴,可以吃多种花朵. 了解更多关于喂养尾乳牛的最佳花卉的信息, 如何喂养它们, 以及如何避免潜在的风险.

close up of a frilled lizard

龙蜥蜴: 你需要知道的一切

Dragon lizards, also known as agamids, are a diverse group of reptiles that range in size from small geckos to the giant Komodo dragon.
They are known for their scaly bodies, well-developed limbs, and long tails, and their ability to change color to camouflage themselves from predators

Uromastyx Lizard Diet: 水果


  • 鲫鱼

Uromastyx can eat a small amount of fruit as part of their diet. Suitable options include strawberries, 黑莓, 蓝莓, and raspberries. 此外, 适可而止, fruits like cantaloupe, dates, figs, guava, kiwi, 木瓜, mango, and pineapple can be offered.