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ارجوس مونيتور كير – معلومة, نسيج, حمية & صحة

The Argus monitor (فارانوس بانوبتس), also known as the yellow-spotted monitor, is a fascinating and versatile monitor lizard found in the northern regions of Australia and southern New Guinea.

This ground-dwelling reptile is known for its distinctive coloration, large dark spots along its back, and its ability to stand erect on its hind legs and tail, giving it an imposing appearance.

ارجوس رصد السحلية (فارانوس بانوبتس)
ارجوس رصد السحلية (فارانوس بانوبتس). الصورة مجاملة من Greg Hume.

Argus Monitor Care Sheet

اسم شائعارجوس مونيتور
الاسم العلميفارانوس بانوبتس
فترة الحياة10-15 سنوات
حجم الكبارإناث: يصل إلى 3 أقدام, Males: 4-5 أقدام
وزنيصل إلى 15 جنيه أو رطل للوزن
حميةCarnivorous (سمك, crabs, الطيور, القوارض, الحشرات, other lizards)
متطلبات حجم العلبة6ft x 4ft x 4ft (الحد الأدنى)
متطلبات درجة حرارة العلبة85°F to 100°F (basking spot), 75درجة فهرنهايت إلى 85 درجة فهرنهايت (cool side)
متطلبات الرطوبة60%-80%

متطلبات الزراعة والضميمة:

Argus monitors are active and intelligent reptiles that require a spacious and enriched enclosure to thrive.

A terrarium of at least 6 قدم في الطول, 4 قدم في العرض, و 4 feet in height is the minimum size to accommodate their active nature. The enclosure should be equipped with branches, الصخور, and hiding spots to simulate their natural environment and provide them with opportunities for climbing and exploration.

Proper lighting is crucial for their well-being. A combination of UVB lighting (5% أو 10%) and a basking light should be provided to ensure they receive the necessary UV radiation and maintain proper calcium metabolism.
Maintain a basking spot temperature of 85°F to 100°F and a cooler side temperature of 75°F to 85°F.

Nighttime temperatures can drop to 70°F to 75°F. Ensure that the enclosure’s humidity levels are maintained between 60% إلى 80% to promote proper shedding and respiratory health.

الاحتياجات الغذائية وجدول التغذية:

Argus monitors are carnivorous and have a diverse diet. Their meals can include fish, crabs, small birds, القوارض, الحشرات, and occasionally other lizards. It is essential to provide a varied diet to meet their nutritional requirements fully.

Feeding should be done every 2 إلى 3 days for adults, while younger individuals may require daily feedings. Offering prey items of appropriate size is crucial to prevent choking or other digestive issues.

أشياء للإعتبار

ترويض والتعامل:

Argus monitors are not naturally inclined to be handled frequently. Taming requires patience and consistent, gentle interactions from a young age. Always be cautious during handling, as they may exhibit defensive behaviors when feeling threatened.

التكاليف والصيانة:

Keeping an Argus monitor can be a significant investment. Besides the initial setup costs for the enclosure, إضاءة, and heating, ongoing expenses include high-quality food, الرعاية البيطرية, and regular maintenance of the enclosure.

مقارنة بالأنواع الأخرى:

Compared to other monitor lizard species, Argus monitors are of moderate size. While they may not be as large as the perentie or lace monitor, they still require spacious enclosures and dedicated care.

In conclusion, the Argus monitor is a captivating and challenging reptile to keep as a pet. By providing a suitable enclosure, a varied and nutritious diet, and handling them with care, you can ensure a fulfilling and rewarding experience as a responsible pet owner. Always conduct thorough research and consult with experienced reptile keepers or veterinarians before bringing an Argus monitor into your home.

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