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Tail dropping in Tegu lizards

مثل معظم السحالي, يمكن لتيغوس في الواقع إسقاط ذيولها. الخبر السار هو, يمكنهم أيضًا تجديدها.

يحدث هبوط الذيل عادة نتيجة الإصابة, أمراض مثل تعفن الذيل, أو الإجهاد.

في البرية, السحالي ستسقط ذيلها عندما تشعر بالتهديد, هذه استجابة طبيعية لوجود مفترس محتمل.

If a bird grabs a lizard by their tail, they can just drop it in order to escape with the rest of their body intact.

They then proceed to regenerate a new tail which however may not be as long and healthy as the original.

While it can be scary for your pet tegu to lose its tail, it is a natural defense mechanism and not necessarily a cause for alarm.

It is important to identify the underlying cause behind the tail drop and ensure any issue causing it gets fixed as well as monitoring your tegu’s health and providing appropriate care for your tegu during the regeneration process during the following months.

Tegu tail regrowth
Partial tail regrowth on a black and white tegu. The new tail has been growing for just over one month and lacks the color pattern of the original.

Tegu tail drop causes and prevention

There are a few potential reasons a tegu may lose their tail:

  • Tail injury (laceration)
  • Tail rot (infection)
  • Stress and underlying health issues
  • Feeling threatened or being grabbed by a potential predator

To minimize the risk of your tegu losing their tail, it’s important to provide a large and clean environment where they can feel safe.

The enclosure must be large enough that they can wander around and burrow, and it needs to provide hides where they can retreat, and enough humidity to allow for shedding.

Make sure not to accidentally hurt the tegu when closing the door of its cage, replace water daily, wash the enclosure with antibacterial soap and wipe the insides with disinfectant (can also use vinegar). Never grab your tegu by the tail when handling it.

Tegu tail rot

Tail rot is a condition which occurs for a number of reasons and is easily noticeable by a sudden discoloration or change in color of the tail.

The affected area will also feel dry and brittle to the touch and generally look unhealthy compared to the rest of the body.

Possible causes of tail rot in tegu lizards are physical injuries, shedding issues, infections, or other underlying health conditions due to a weakened immune system, poor husbandry or unhealthy diet.

If your tegu is showing signs of tail rot, take it to a vet immediately.

In some cases it may be necessary to amputate the tail, which will prevent the disease from getting worse altogether.

Tegu tail regeneration

Once a tegu loses its tail they may feel lethargic and be less active, because they are focusing all their energy on growing a new tail.

It is especially important during this time to keep their environment clean and accurately disinfected, because the open wound is prone to infection.

When a tegu regrows their tail, they do not regenerate bones and vertebrae, but replace them with cartilage.

The new tail will look less colorful and be shorter in size, and in general may not look as nice as the previous tail.

It can take several months for a tegu to fully regenerate its tail, so it’s especially important to

provide proper care and attention during this recovery period. Here are some additional points to consider:

  1. Maintain a clean environment: Ensure that the tegu’s enclosure is kept clean and hygienic. Regularly clean the substrate, disinfect any surfaces, and remove any waste promptly. A clean environment helps prevent the risk of infection while the tail is regenerating.
  2. Monitor the wound: Keep a close eye on the regenerating tail for any signs of infection or complications. Look for redness, تورم, discharge, or any abnormal behavior from the tegu. If you notice any concerning symptoms, consult a veterinarian experienced with reptiles.
  3. Adjust feeding and handling: During the regrowth period, the tegu may have reduced appetite and energy levels. Offer a balanced diet appropriate for tegus and provide smaller, more frequent meals if necessary. Minimize handling to avoid stressing the tegu and potentially injuring the regenerating tail.
  4. Maintain proper humidity and temperature: Tegus require specific environmental conditions to thrive. Ensure that the humidity and temperature levels in their enclosure are within the recommended range for tegus. Proper environmental conditions promote overall health and aid in the healing process.

Multiple tails

In rare cases a tegu may grow multiple tails at once.

This usually occurs when the original tail gets partly lacerated but does not drop entirely, so the body is triggered to grow a second tail without actually having lost the first one.

One freaky case of a wild black and white tegu with not one, not two, لكن six tails was once observed in Argentina:

Black and white tegu with six tails found in Argentina
Six-tailed blak and white tegu. Photo courtesy of Nicolás Pelegrin.

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