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У дома » Могат ли брадатите дракони да ядат брюкселско зеле?

Могат ли брадатите дракони да ядат брюкселско зеле?

Brussel sprouts are safe for bearded dragons in small amounts.

This cruciferous vegetable is a great source of vitamins and nutrients but can lead to health issues when fed in large quantities due to the presence of calcium-binding compounds.

Bearded Dragon eating Brussel Sprouts
Bearded Dragon and Brussel Sprouts

Брадатите дракони са всеядни, meaning that they eat both plants and animals.

Their diet should consist of a variety of foods, включително насекоми, листни зеленчуци, зеленчуци, и плодове.

Брюкселското зеле е добър източник на фибри и витамини, включително витамин С, витамин К, and potassium for bearded dragons.

But because brussel sprouts are members of the cabbage family, they contain compounds called glucosinolates.

Когато глюкозинолатите се разграждат от ензими в храносмилателната система, те произвеждат съединения, наречени тиоцианати. Thiocyanates can bind to calcium and make it less available to reptiles.

Bearded dragons have a harder time breaking down glucosinolates than mammals do. This is because they have a slower digestive system and less stomach acid.

Като резултат, bearded dragons are more likely to be affected by the calcium-binding effects of thiocyanates.

Добро правило е да не предлагате повече от 5% of your bearded dragon’s diet in cabbage family vegetables. This means that you can offer your bearded dragon a few small pieces of brussel sprouts each day.

Зеленчуци, зеле, and mustard greens are better alternatives to brussel sprouts for bearded dragons, as they are good sources of calcium and low in glucosinolates.

Feeding brussel sprouts to Bearded Dragons

You can feed fresh or frozen brussel sprouts to your bearded dragon.

Готвенето не е необходимо, but you can steam or blanch the sprouts briefly to make them easier to digest. Нарязването им на по-малки парчета също ще ги направи по-лесни за ядене.

Here are the steps on how to prepare brussel sprouts for your bearded dragon:

  1. Here are the steps on how to prepare brussel sprouts for your bearded dragon:
  2. Измийте обилно брюкселското зеле. Use a vegetable brush to scrub away any dirt or debris.
  3. Отстранете всички твърди външни листа и стъбла. The outer leaves of brussel sprouts can be tough and difficult to digest, so it is best to remove them before feeding them to your bearded dragon.
  4. Нарежете брюкселското зеле на ситно. The pieces should be about the size of your bearded dragon’s head. This will make them easier for your bearded dragon to eat and digest.
  5. Сварете на пара или бланширайте брюкселското зеле. Steaming or blanching the brussel sprouts will help to break down the fibers and make them easier to digest. Steam or blanch for only a couple of minutes until the sprouts are soft but not mushy. Interrupt the cooking by placing the brussel sprouts into cold water so that they do not lose nutrients.
  6. Offer the brussel sprouts to your bearded dragon. You can place the brussel sprouts in your bearded dragon’s food dish or hand-feed them to your bearded dragon.
  7. Sprinkle the brussel sprouts with a calcium supplement, if desired. This will help to ensure that your bearded dragon is getting enough calcium.

Неща, които трябва да имате предвид

Хранете се умерено. 

Brussel sprouts are members of the cruciferous vegetable family, which can interfere with calcium absorption in bearded dragons.

It is important to only feed your bearded dragon brussel sprouts in small amounts, не повече от 5% от тяхната диета.

Отстранете всички твърди външни листа и стъбла. 

The outer leaves and stems of brussel sprouts can be difficult for bearded dragons to digest.

It is best to remove them before feeding them to your bearded dragon.

Нарежете брюкселското зеле на ситно. 

Bearded dragons have sharp teeth, но все още могат да се задавят с големи парчета храна, especially when juvenile.

It is important to chop the brussel sprouts into small pieces that are easy for your bearded dragon to eat. Each piece should be smaller than your bearded dragon’s mouth.

Offer the brussel sprouts alongside other healthy vegetables.

Brussel sprouts should not be the only vegetable that you feed your bearded dragon.

It is important to offer a variety of healthy vegetables to your bearded dragon to ensure that they are getting all of the nutrients they need.

Can bearded dragons eat brussel sprouts?

да, bearded dragons can eat brussel sprouts in small amounts.

въпреки това, it is important to feed them in moderation, as brussel sprouts are members of the cabbage family, which contain some compounds that can interfere with calcium absorption in larger amounts.

Can I feed my bearded dragon frozen brussel sprouts?

да, you can feed your bearded dragon frozen brussel sprouts. въпреки това, it is important to thaw them completely before feeding them.

Frozen brussel sprouts can be difficult for bearded dragons to digest.

Можете да бланширате замразено брюкселско зеле във вряща вода за няколко минути, докато се размрази напълно и стане меко, но не кашаво.

What are the benefits of feeding my bearded dragon brussel sprouts?

Брюкселското зеле е добър източник на фибри, витамин Ц, витамин К, и калий.

Фибрите помагат на храносмилателната система да работи гладко, и витамин С е важен за имунното здраве.

Витамин К помага при съсирването на кръвта, и калият е от съществено значение за мускулната функция и нервната сигнализация.

What are the risks of feeding my bearded dragon brussel sprouts?

Брюкселското зеле може да попречи на усвояването на калций в големи количества.

Това може да доведе до метаболитно заболяване на костите, a serious health condition in bearded dragons that can be fatal if left untreated.

Брюкселското зеле също е с високо съдържание на оксалати, които могат да се свържат с калция и да го направят по-малко достъпен за тялото.

Should you feed brussel sprouts raw or cooked to bearded dragons?

bearded dragons can eat raw brussel sprouts, но е препоръчително да ги сварите на пара или да ги бланширате за няколко минути, преди да ги нахраните. Това ще ги направи по-лесно смилаеми и ще намали риска от храносмилателни разстройства.

Make sure to stop the cooking process as soon as the brussel sprouts are soft but not mushy, за запазване на хранителните вещества.

If you choose to feed your bearded dragon raw brussel sprouts, be sure to wash them thoroughly and remove any tough outer leaves and stems. You should also chop the sprouts into small pieces, roughly the size of your bearded dragon’s head.

Can bearded dragons eat brussel sprout leaves?

The leaves of brussel sprouts are not toxic to bearded dragons, но те не са толкова хранителни, колкото самите кълнове.

Листата също са по-жилави и по-трудни за смилане. It is best to remove the leaves from the brussel sprouts before feeding them to your bearded dragon.

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