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Péče o ještěrku Caiman – Informace, Ohrada, Strava & Zdraví

Ještěrka kajmanka, also known as the water tegu, belongs to the genus Dracaena.

These fascinating reptiles are native to South America, specifically found in Ecuador, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, a Brazílii.

Caiman lizards are semiaquatic creatures with unique characteristics that make them stand out among other lizard species.

They are known for their large, thick scales, resembling those found on caimans, which give them a distinctive appearance.

With their powerful jaws, muscular limbs, and a love for water, caiman lizards are captivating creatures that require specific care and attention in captivity.

Ještěrka kajmanka severní (Dracaena guianensis) v akváriu Shedd, Chicago, IL
Ještěrka kajmanka severní (Dracaena guianensis)

Caiman Lizard Care Sheet

Běžné jménoCaiman Lizard or Water Tegu
Odborný názevDracaena (Genus)
Životnost10-15 let
Velikost jako dospělýAž do 3-4 stop na délku
StravaCarnivorous – Snails, Ryba, crawfish, clams
Požadavky na velikost krytuMláďata: 55-gallon terrarium; Dospělí: Minimum 6ft L x 3ft W x 4ft H
Požadavky na teplotu krytu80-85°F (27-29°C) during the day, with a slight drop at night
Požadavky na vlhkost60-70% humidity level

Požadavky na chov a oplocení

Creating the right environment is crucial for the well-being of caiman lizards. Due to their size and semi-aquatic nature, a large enclosure is essential.

Juveniles can initially thrive in a 55-gallon terrarium, but as they grow, adults will require a spacious enclosure that is at least 6 nohy dlouhé, 3 nohy široké, a 4 stop vysoký.

The enclosure should include a large water area for swimming and a land area with vertical space for climbing.

Proper lighting and temperature are vital for caiman lizards’ health. Providing a full-spectrum UVB light source is essential for their overall well-being and calcium metabolism.

The enclosure’s temperature should be maintained between 80-85°F (27-29°C) during the day, with a slight drop at night. Using thermostats and heating elements such as ceramic heat emitters or radiant heat panels can help achieve and maintain the desired temperature.

Maintaining adequate humidity levels is crucial for caiman lizards, as they require a humidity range of 60-70%. This can be achieved by misting the enclosure regularly and providing a large water source for them to soak in.

Dietní potřeby a plán krmení

Caiman lizards are carnivorous reptiles with specific dietary requirements. Their natural diet consists of snails, Ryba, crawfish, and clams.

V zajetí, it is important to replicate their natural diet as closely as possible.

Providing a variety of food items ensures a well-rounded nutritional intake. Along with their primary diet of snails, Ryba, and other aquatic creatures, you can also offer occasional treats such as insects and small mammals.

Feeding caiman lizards should be done on a regular schedule. Juveniles can be fed every day, while adults can be fed every other day.

It is essential to monitor their food intake and adjust accordingly to maintain a healthy weight. Overfeeding can lead to obesity and other health issues, so portion control is crucial.

When offering food, it is recommended to provide it in a separate feeding dish to prevent contamination of the water in their enclosure.

This also makes it easier to monitor their food intake and ensures that they consume their meals in a clean environment.

In addition to a proper diet, it is important to provide clean, fresh water for caiman lizards to drink and soak in. A shallow pool of water with a depth of around 12 inches will suffice for them to swim and hydrate.

Do caiman lizards make good pets?

Caiman lizards are ne recommended for beginners due to their specific care requirements and the challenges they pose.

These animals require a large enclosure with a water area, climbing opportunities, and places to hide. Maintaining proper temperature and humidity levels can be more demanding compared to other species.

dodatečně, their specialized diet consisting of snails, shellfish, and insects may be harder to source and provide.

The costs associated with their enclosure setup, feeding, and potential veterinary care should also be taken into consideration.

For beginners looking to adopt a big lizard, we recommend considering species like the Argentinský čin nebo red tegu.

These tegu species are more beginner-friendly, have simpler care requirements, and are generally easier to maintain than caiman lizards.

They are also quite docile, have broader dietary options including commercially available reptile food, and are an overall better fit than water tegus for most reptile owners.

What do caiman lizards eat?

Caiman lizards primarily eat a diet consisting of snails, shellfish, hmyz, and other small aquatic creatures.

V divočině, their primary food source is apple snails, but they may also consume fish, obojživelníci, invertebrates, and other mollusks.

It is best to mimic their natural diet when feeding them in captivity by offering non-processed, fresh foods like snails, Ryba, hmyz, and other shellfish.

dodatečně, providing fruits or other plant matter a couple of times a week can be beneficial.

Can caiman lizards live together?

Ne, caiman lizards are typically solitary creatures in the wild, and cohabitation is not recommended for them in captivity.

They are known to be territorial and aggressive towards each other, which can lead to fighting, injuries, and stress.

It’s best to house caiman lizards individually to ensure their well-being.

Can caiman lizards drop their tails?

Ano, like many lizard species, caiman lizards have the ability to drop their tails as a defense mechanism.

This behavior, known as autotomy, allows them to detach their tail from the rest of their body when threatened or grasped by a predator.

The detached tail continues to wiggle, distracting the predator while the lizard makes its escape.

Tail regeneration in caiman lizards is relatively slow compared to some other lizard species, and the regrown tail may not fully resemble the original one in terms of size or coloration.

Losing and growing a new tail is also a stressful experience for the animal which can lead to other health issues and makes them more susceptible to infection.

Caiman Lizards for Sale

Camain Lizard / Water Tegu

(Dracaena guianensis )

from our partner XYZReptiles

Ještěrka kajmanská / Water Tegu

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