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Kan skæggede drager spise fisk?

Bearded dragons are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals, but the latter mainly consist of insects, not fish.

There are some people who believe that feeding bearded dragons small amounts of fish is okay, but it is generally not recommended by veterinarians.

Bearded Dragon and Fish

The risks associated with feeding fish to bearded dragons outweigh any potential benefits.

If you are looking for a healthy and nutritious diet for your bearded dragon, der er mange andre muligheder, such as insects, grøntsager, og frugter.

There are also many commercially available bearded dragon foods that are specifically designed to meet their nutritional needs.

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Why Bearded Dragon Shouldn’t Eat Fish

Fish is not part of a bearded dragon’s natural diet and can pose several health risks, including choking and gut impaction, health problems such as gout, obesity, and vitamin B1 deficiency, and parasites and bacteria.

Fish bones can choke or injure bearded dragons, and they can also cause gut impaction, a serious condition in which the digestive tract becomes blocked. This can be fatal if not treated promptly.

Fish also contains thiaminase, an enzyme that destroys vitamin B1.

Bearded dragons need vitamin B1 for energy, so a deficiency can lead to health problems such as fatigue and weakness.

Derfor, it is best to avoid feeding fish to bearded dragons altogether.

There are many other healthy and nutritious foods that you can feed your bearded dragon, such as insects, grøntsager, og frugter.

Bearded Dragon Diæt

Juvenile bearded dragons need a diet that is high in protein and low in fat.

They should be fed live insects such as crickets, melorme, and Dubia roaches.

They should also be offered a variety of vegetables, such as collard greens, kale, og sennepsgrønt.

Adult bearded dragons need a diet that is higher in fiber and lower in protein.

They should be fed a variety of vegetables, frugter, og insekter.

Good choices include collard greens, kale, mustard greens, sweet potatoes, gulerødder, æbler, bananer, and berries.

Bearded dragon eating sushi
Ingen, sushi is not a healthy choice of food for your bearded dragon.

Can bearded dragons eat fish?

Ingen, bearded dragons should not eat fish.

Fish is not part of their natural diet and can pose several health risks, including choking and gut impaction, vitamin deficiencies, parasites and bacteria.

Fish bones are a choking hazard to your bearded dragon and can cause gut impaction and internal injuries.

Fish also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which we generally think of as healthy, but bearded dragons don’t get as much exercise when they are pets compared to living in the wild. This means it’s easy for them to gain weight and become obese. 

Derudover, fish can contain parasites and bacteria, which could make your bearded dragon sick.

Can bearded dragons eat tuna / salmon / tilapia?

Ingen, bearded dragons should not eat tuna, salmon, tilapia, or any other type of fish.

All fish pose the same health risks to bearded dragons, as listed above.

Can bearded dragons eat seafood other than fish?

Ingen, bearded dragons should not eat any type of seafood, including shellfish, shrimp, and crab.

Seafood poses the same health risks to bearded dragons as fish, as listed above.

Insects should be the primary source of protein for your bearded dragon.

Can bearded dragons eat sushi?

Ingen, bearded dragons should not eat sushi or sashimi. Sushi is typically made with raw fish and rice.

Raw fish is especially high in thiaminase and can also contain parasites and bacteria.

Rice is also not a good food for bearded dragons, as it can cause digestive problems.

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