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Target Training a Tegu Lizard

Target Training for Tegu Lizards

  • Tegu

Target training is a valuable technique for taming and training tegu lizards. It involves teaching the lizard to respond to a specific target, such as a brightly colored dowel rod or a clicker, and associating it with positive reinforcement.

Lizard with strongest bite

What Lizard Has The Strongest Bite Force?

In the realm of reptiles, the Tegu lizard stands out for its formidable bite force, relying on physical strength for hunting. On the other hand, Komodo dragons, with their venomous bite and substantial size, are known for taking down prey much larger than themselves.

Bearded dragon and ice cream

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Ice Cream?

If you’re a bearded dragon owner, you might wonder if it’s okay to give your pet some ice cream. The answer is no, it’s not a good idea to feed your bearded dragon ice cream, for a variety of reasons. This page contains affiliate links. As Amazon associates we may earn a commission for eligible product purchases. This is at no additional costs to you. First, bearded dragons can’t handle… Read More »Can Bearded Dragons Eat Ice Cream?

Lizards Yawning

Do Lizards Yawn?

  • Lizards

Yawning in lizards, including geckos, bearded dragons, iguanas, and monitor lizards, serves various purposes like jaw realignment, respiratory regulation, and social signaling.

Green Iguana Yawning

Do Iguanas Yawn?

  • Iguana

Iguanas yawn for various reasons, including morning rituals, contagious yawning, communication of emotional states, and responses to stress or boredom. Understanding this behavior helps provide better care for pet iguanas.

Bearded dragon yawning

Do Bearded Dragons Yawn?

Bearded dragons yawn for various reasons including thermoregulation, shedding, communication, and stretching. It’s a normal behavior that provides insights into their health and well-being.

Bearded dragon and mealworms

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Mealworms?

Bearded dragons can eat mealworms, but they should not be a staple in their diet due to their high fat content. Mealworms should be fed in moderation, ideally one or two every few days. They are not recommended for baby bearded dragons due to potential digestive issues.