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Tegu Lizards for Sale

Tegu lizards, often referred to simply as “tegus,” are a unique reptile species native to Central and South America. They are known for their large size and predatory habits.

Argentine Tegus (Salvator merianae) and Red Tegus (Salvator rufescens) are especially popular in the pet trade due to their docile nature. They grow quite big in size and you can think of them as big scaley dogs.

Colombian Tegus (Tupinambis teguixin), also known as “Gold tegu” are generally considered less tame compared to Argentine Tegus and Red Tegus. That said, with regular handling, preferably from a young age, Colombian Tegus can be content to hang out with their owners and be carried around.

Argentine, Red and Colombian tegus are available for sale from our affiliate partner

As for Water Tegus, also known as Caiman Lizards (Dracaena guianensis), they are not beginner-friendly pets. They require a lot of space and enrichment. Their care can be time-consuming and they are also one of the most expensive pet reptiles to raise in captivity.

Caiman Lizards are available for sale from our affiliate partner

Argentine Black & White Tegu

Argentine Red Tegu

Red Tegu

Colombian Tegu / Gold Tegu
Caiman Lizard / Water Tegu
Water Tegu / Caiman Lizard