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Home » Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Differences and Care Considerations

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Differences and Care Considerations

When it comes to choosing a pet lizard, bearded dragons and iguanas are top contenders.

Both of these reptiles are favored for their durability and are well-suited for experienced reptile owners.

However, making an informed choice requires understanding the key distinctions between them.

Bearded Dragon (left) and Green Iguana (right)
Bearded Dragon vs Green Iguana

Size and Physical Features

One of the most significant differences between bearded dragons and iguanas is their size and physical appearance.

Bearded dragons tend to remain relatively small, typically reaching a mature length of about 16-24 inches.

Conversely, iguanas have the potential to grow substantially larger, potentially reaching lengths of up to 6 feet.

These reptiles also vary in terms of physical characteristics. Bearded dragons have a stocky build and are known for their frilled beard, which they use for both defensive and courtship displays.

Iguanas, on the other hand, have a sleek, elongated body and a distinctive flap of skin under their chin, known as a dewlap, which serves various purposes including attracting mates and temperature regulation.


Understanding the behavioral differences between bearded dragons and iguanas is crucial in making the right choice for a pet.

Bearded dragons typically exhibit docile and manageable temperaments, making them an excellent option for those seeking a reptile companion that is easy to handle.

Iguanas, especially during their juvenile stages, can display more assertive and sometimes aggressive behaviors.

That said, once iguanas mature into adults, they tend to become calmer, although a degree of unpredictability may persist.


Dietary preferences represent another major distinction between bearded dragons and iguanas.

Bearded dragons are categorized as omnivores, which means they enjoy a diverse diet consisting of both plant matter and insects.

Their menu often includes items like leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, and various insects.

In contrast, iguanas are herbivores, solely consuming plant-based foods, such as leafy greens, vegetables, and fruits.

Understanding these dietary preferences is vital for providing proper nutrition to your pet.


Considering the longevity of your potential pet is an essential aspect of responsible ownership.

Bearded dragons typically have a lifespan of about 10-15 years, while iguanas can live considerably longer, sometimes reaching up to 20-30 years.

This variance in lifespan underscores the long-term commitment required for iguana ownership.

Ease of Care

The ease of caring for these reptiles is another key factor to weigh.

Bearded dragons are generally considered low-maintenance pets due to their more modest space requirements, less substantial food consumption, and relatively straightforward care regimen.

In contrast, iguanas demand more specialized care and larger enclosures, which can be more challenging and costly to maintain.


When it comes to housing your pet, bearded dragons typically thrive in enclosures of about 40-50 gallons for adult specimens.

On the other hand, iguanas require significantly larger living spaces, with enclosures ranging from 120-150 gallons for adult iguanas.

The disparity in enclosure size should be a primary consideration when selecting between these reptiles.

Heat and Light

Both bearded dragons and iguanas rely on heat and specific lighting conditions to maintain their health.

Bearded dragons prefer a basking spot temperature of approximately 100-105°F (38-40°C), while iguanas require a slightly higher basking spot temperature, around 110-115°F (43-46°C).

Additionally, both species necessitate access to UVB lighting for the synthesis of essential vitamin D3.


Ensuring proper nutrition involves supplementing their diet.

Bearded dragons require calcium and vitamin D3 supplements to thrive, while iguanas need these supplements along with a multivitamin to maintain optimal health.


Handling your pet reptile is an integral part of their care. Bearded dragons are generally more amenable to handling, but gentle introduction during their youth is key.

Iguanas can be more challenging to handle, and care must be taken to avoid startling them.

Health Problems

Both bearded dragons and iguanas are susceptible to a range of health issues. These may include metabolic bone disease, respiratory infections, parasites, and impaction. Regular veterinary check-ups and attentive care are essential for minimizing these potential problems.


Cost considerations are also important.

Bearded dragons are generally more budget-friendly to purchase and maintain compared to iguanas, due to their smaller size and cheaper enclosure setup.

Iguanas also tend to live longer, making owning one a much greater on-going financial commitment.

In short

Bearded dragons offer a more straightforward and low-maintenance experience, making them an excellent choice for many.

In contrast, iguanas require more specialized care, a larger commitment of time and resources, and may be better suited to experienced reptile enthusiasts

Additional Considerations

Here are some additional factors to contemplate when deciding between a bearded dragon and an iguana:

  • Time Commitment: Bearded dragons require less attention and are more suitable for those with busy schedules, while iguanas demand more care and interaction.
  • Exercise: Bearded dragons are relatively sedentary and don’t need much exercise, whereas iguanas are more active and benefit from opportunities to move around.
  • Space: Iguanas necessitate larger enclosures with ample room for climbing and exploration, while bearded dragons can thrive in smaller spaces.
  • Price: Bearded dragons are generally more cost-effective to purchase and care for compared to iguanas.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your lifestyle and preferences.

If you seek a relatively low-maintenance and easy-to-handle reptile companion, a bearded dragon is a suitable choice.

On the other hand, if you are prepared for the challenges and rewards of caring for a larger, more impressive pet, an iguana may be the right choice.

Some people may also prefer owning a herbivore reptile that does not need to be fed live prey.

Iguanas make a better choice for that, as they are strict herbivores. Bearded dragons, on the other hand, need a diet consisting of both vegetables and insects.

Pet bearded dragon and green iguana

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