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Meet The Black Dragon Lizard

The Black Dragon Lizard is one of the most sought-after monitor lizards due to its striking black appearance.

Black dragon lizards are a variant of the Southeast Asian Water Monitor (Varanus salvator macromaculatus).

This creature, despite its name, is not a separate subspecies. It is a hyper-melanistic version of the Southeast Asian Water Monitor, meaning its black color is a result of increased melanin, similar to albinism (but in reverse!).

This exotic black color makes them a highly sought-after type of water monitor lizard.

Habitat and Distribution

Native to Asia, the Black Dragon Lizard is semi-aquatic and relies on bodies of water for survival.

These giant lizards inhabit a variety of environments, from mangrove swamps and wetlands to forests and city canals.

Their adaptability to different habitats is a testament to their resilience and versatility. Despite their intimidating appearance, they have managed to coexist with humans in urban areas, often seen in city canals.

Physical Characteristics

The Black Dragon Lizard is a large reptile, growing between 4 to 9 feet in height and weighing between 35-110 pounds.

Their size is a distinguishing characteristic, making them one of the largest lizards in the world.

Their black color provides them with excellent camouflage in their natural habitat, aiding them in hunting and evading predators.


Black Dragon Lizards are apex predators with a diverse diet. They are carnivores and feed on small mammals, frogs, turtles, snakes, crabs, smaller lizards, young crocodiles, crocodile eggs, and fish.


Black Dragon Lizards have a lifespan ranging from 11 to 25 years. Their longevity, combined with their unique characteristics, makes them fascinating subjects for herpetologists and reptile enthusiasts alike.

Behavior and Reproduction

The behavior of the Black Dragon Lizard is as intriguing as its appearance. They are solitary creatures, preferring to live and hunt alone.

They are also known to be excellent swimmers, using their long, muscular tails to propel themselves through water. This ability to swim not only aids in hunting but also serves as a means of escape from predators.

Reproduction in Black Dragon Lizards is an interesting process. The females lay eggs, which they bury in the ground. The eggs are then left to incubate, with the young lizards emerging fully formed. This method of reproduction, known as oviparity, is common among reptiles.

Conservation Status

Despite their popularity in the pet trade, the Black Dragon Lizard is not currently considered endangered.

Unfortunately, like all wildlife, they face threats from habitat loss and illegal hunting.

Conservation efforts are crucial to ensure the survival of these unique creatures.

Black Dragon Lizards are not a lizard species for beginners. They should only be handled by expert lizard-keepers.

They are one of the most sought-after pet monitor lizards due to their unique appearance, but they are also quite rare and expensive. Expect to pay around $1.500-$2.000 for a juvenile.

Black Dragon Lizards in captivity are known for their docile temperament. They can grow to be affectionate and loving pets.

Despite this, they can be territorial. It’s not recommended to place two of them in the same enclosure.

Caring for a Black Dragon Lizard requires a commitment to providing a suitable environment and diet.

They are great climbers and swimmers, so their enclosures should have branches, logs, and a sufficient water source.

Enclosure Requirements

Black Dragon Lizards can grow relatively large, sometimes quickly. A baby black dragon can be comfortably housed in a 3 ft reptile enclosure.

As they grow, they will need larger enclosures. Adult lizards may require an 8ft enclosure at a minimum.

The enclosure should be large enough to allow the lizard to move freely. It should also be secure to prevent the lizard from escaping.

The enclosure should have a basking area with temperatures between 125-140º F. The humidity level should be maintained at 60-70%.

Diet and Feeding

Young Black Dragons are highly insectivorous. As they grow, you can offer them other proteins like rodents, fish, and poultry.

In captivity, they need to eat many whole prey items such as mice and birds. Rats, and other rodents along with young chickens are generally good options for meals.

What are Black Dragon Lizards?

Black Dragon Lizards, also known as Black Asian Water Monitors, are a type of water monitor lizard. They are characterized by their exotic black color, which is due to a genetic mutation.

Why are they called Dragons?

The term “dragon” in their name doesn’t have a zoological meaning.

Many species of lizards are called dragons due to their appearance or certain characteristics.

In the case of Black Dragon Lizards, their large size and distinctive black color might contribute to their dragon-like image.

What do Black Dragon Lizards eat?

Black Dragon Lizards are carnivorous. They prey on rodents, frogs, turtles, snakes, crabs, young crocodiles, crocodile eggs, and fish. They can also eat carrion, or dead flesh.

Are Black Dragon Lizards venomous?

Black Dragon Lizards are indeed venomous, like all other species of monitor lizards.

The venom is not very potent as its meant to immobilize their prey. It can cause swelling, paralysis and intense pain, but it is not fatal for humans.

Are Black Dragon Lizards dangerous?

While they can be dangerous when provoked or aggravated, they are generally not a threat to humans.

Even though monitor lizard venom is not deadly to humans, the bites can cause infections and be extremely painful.

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