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Do Bearded Dragons Yawn?

This may come as a surprise to some but bearded dragons, like all reptiles, do yawn.

Yawning is a behavior that’s seen across a variety of animal species, including reptiles, birds, and mammals.

Bearded dragon yawning
Bearded dragon yawning

The reasons behind yawning are still a topic of ongoing research and debate. So, if you’re curious about why your pet bearded dragon is yawning, there isn’t a single clear answer, but generally, it’s nothing to worry about.

Some theories suggest that yawning could be a form of communication, a method for regulating body temperature, or a response to stress or boredom.

While the exact function of yawning in bearded dragons is still to be fully understood, it’s clear that this behavior is observed in these animals and is of interest to pet owners and enthusiasts.

Why Do Bearded Dragons Yawn?

While the precise reasons for yawning in reptiles are still being studied, it’s a common and normal behavior observed in these creatures.

There are a few possible reasons why bearded dragons yawn:


Bearded dragons are ectothermic, or cold-blooded, animals, so they rely on external sources to regulate their body temperature.

Yawning helps them control their temperature by exposing the moist lining of their mouth and throat, allowing heat to escape through evaporation.

This is a clever adaptation that helps reptiles survive in various climates, and it is especially important for bearded dragons which are native to desert environments.


Yawning can assist bearded dragons in loosening their skin during the shedding process.

The yawning motion helps stretch and flex the facial muscles.

This is particularly useful during the shedding process, as it helps to loosen the old skin and make way for new growth.


Yawning may serve as a form of communication among bearded dragons, potentially signaling dominance, submission, or other social cues.

However, the exact communicative function of yawning in the animal kingdom is not fully understood.


Yawning may simply be a way for bearded dragons to stretch and exercise their jaw and facial muscles, similar to how humans yawn.

This could be a way for them to keep their muscles active and healthy.

If you notice your bearded dragon yawning excessively or displaying other unusual behaviors, it’s always a good idea to consult with a reptile veterinarian.

Do bearded dragons yawn?

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