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Do Iguanas Yawn?

It’s not uncommon for pet owners to observe their iguanas yawning, a behavior that might seem unusual at first, but is actually a natural part of their behavior.

Yawning is a behavior that’s observed across a variety of animal species, including reptiles, birds, and mammals.

Green Iguana Yawning
Green Iguana Yawning

While the reasons behind yawning are still a topic of ongoing research and debate, it’s clear that this behavior is of interest to pet owners and enthusiasts.

Iguanas, like all reptiles, do yawn, and it’s a common and normal behavior observed in these creatures.

While the precise reasons for yawning in reptiles are still being studied, it’s a behavior that’s worth understanding and appreciating.

So, if you’re curious about why your pet iguana is yawning, there isn’t a single clear answer, but generally, it’s nothing to worry about.

Some theories suggest that yawning could be a form of communication, a method for regulating body temperature, or a response to stress or boredom.

Morning Ritual

One possible reason why iguanas yawn is as a morning ritual.

Iguanas may yawn in the morning when they first come out to bask, as a way to adjust their jaw joints and clear any slime or residue from their mouths.

This is similar to how humans may yawn to help clear their airways.

It’s a natural part of their morning routine, and it’s not uncommon to see iguanas yawning as they start their day.

Contagious Yawning

Another interesting aspect of yawning in iguanas is that it appears to be “contagious” across species, similar to how human yawning can trigger yawning in others.

Observers have noted yawning in iguanas after the observer themselves yawned.

This suggests that there may be a social or emotional component to yawning in iguanas, and it’s a behavior that can be influenced by the environment and the company they keep.


Yawning may also be a way for iguanas to communicate certain emotional states, such as mixed feelings of aggression and submission.

Yawning can be part of an iguana’s “body language” when it is in a conflicted state.

This suggests that yawning may be a way for iguanas to express their emotions and communicate with other iguanas.

Response to Stress or Boredom

Finally, yawning may also be a response to stress or boredom in captive iguanas, as a way to cope with changes in their environment or routine.

If you notice your iguana yawning excessively or displaying other unusual behaviors, it’s always a good idea to consult with a reptile veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

[Green Iguana Care Sheet][Iguana Food & Diet]

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