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What Lizard Has The Strongest Bite Force?

Welcome to the fascinating world of reptiles, where the strength of a creature’s bite often speaks volumes about its hunting skills.

Amongst reptiles, the formidable Saltwater Crocodile is known for having the planet’s most powerful bite with a staggering 3700 psi of bite force.

But when it comes to lizard species, you may be surprised to find out that Tegu lizards hold the n°1 spot for strongest bite, despite being rather tame and even somewhat popular as pets.

Tegu lizards have the strongest bite

The Tegu lizard, a native of South America, is a captivating creature that relies on its physical prowess rather than venom for hunting and self-defense.

Unlike monitor lizards, Tegus are not venomous. Instead, they boast robust jaw muscles that allow them to deliver a remarkable bite force.

An adult Tegu can exert a force of up to 1000 N or 250-300 psi, a significant step up from the average human bite of around 285N or 150-160 psi.

Despite their impressive bite, Tegus are relatively harmless to humans and larger animals.

Their powerful yet small mouths limit the damage they can inflict, making their bite akin to that of a medium-sized dog.

Nonetheless, their strong jaws and sharp teeth enable them to crush bones with ease, making them efficient predators in their natural environment, where they feed on rodents, birds, and other small animals.

The runner up: Komodo Dragons

Komodo dragons may not have the strongest bite, but they are by far the most dangerous lizards out there.

These giant monitor lizards have a bite force measuring around 500 to 600 PSI, roughly four times stronger than the average human bite.

What sets Komodo dragons apart, however, is not just their bite force but also their venomous bite.

Unlike tegus, Komodo dragons produce venom that can cause shock, prevent blood clotting, and paralyze their prey.

This venomous bite, coupled with their substantial size, enables them to take down prey much larger than themselves, such as water buffalos.

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