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Blue Tongue Skink Diet

What foods can blue-tongued skinks eat and which should they avoid? Diet requirements and feeding information for blue tongue skinks.

Blue-tongued skink with grapes

Can Blue-tongued Skinks Eat Grapes?

  • Skink

Blue-tongued skinks love sweet fruits, and grapes are generally safe for them to eat in small amounts. However, there are some things to keep in mind when feeding grapes to your skink, such as the oxalate content and sugar content.

Homemade reptilink recipe

How to Make Your Own Reptilinks

  • Tegu

How to make your own DIY reptilinks: healthy food recipes for domestic snakes, lizards, amphibians, turtles and crocodilians.

Blue Tongue Skink and Cucumber

Can blue-tongued skinks eat cucumbers?

  • Skink

Technically, blue-tongued skinks can eat cucumbers without any issues. There are however very few reasons you would want to feed your pet lizard cucumbers in the first place: they are very poorly nutritionally, as they mostly contain water and not much else. Cucumbers are then to be considered a refreshing treat that can help your blue tongue skink stay hydrated but should not be a staple in their diet, as… Read More »Can blue-tongued skinks eat cucumbers?

Lizards and chocolate

Chocolate for Lizards: What Every Reptile Owner Needs to Know

  • Lizards

Lizards such as iguanas and bearded dragons can eat human food, but not chocolate. Chocolate contains theobromine, a chemical that is toxic to animals, especially those with slow metabolisms like reptiles. Although some lizards may enjoy chocolate, it is not worth the risk as it can lead to health complications and even death.

Blue-tongued skink vs Watermelon

Can Blue-tongued Skinks Eat Watermelon?

  • Skink

Blue-tongue skinks are omnivores and can feed on fruits such watermelon, melon and cantaloupe. It is important to offer watermelon cut in small pieces and de-seeded, but other than that, there are no serious health concerns of feeding melons to skinks. That said, water melon should only be fed in moderation and in small amounts. This is because it is not very nutritious and has a high water content. Eating… Read More »Can Blue-tongued Skinks Eat Watermelon?

Can blue tongue skinks eat tomatoes?

Can blue tongue skinks eat tomatoes?

  • Skink

Blue-tongued skinks can eat tomatoes, but they should be fed sporadically. Tomatoes contain vitamin C, A, antioxidants and fiber, so they are not poor in nutrients. Despite their health benefits, tomatoes are very acidic and somewhat high in oxalates, so they can cause problems in large quantities. Things to consider Some things to keep in mind when feeding tomatoes to your blue-tongued lizard: Better alternatives When considering alternative food options… Read More »Can blue tongue skinks eat tomatoes?

Can blue tongue skinks eat spinach?

Can Blue Tongue Skinks Eat Spinach?

  • Skink

Spinach can be harmful for blue tongue skinks in large amounts so you should keep consumption to a minimum or avoid feeding it altogether. Despite being a nutrition-packed dark leafy green, spinach has an extremely high content of oxalates which bind to calcium and prevent it from being properly absorbed. Calcium deficiency can lead to a variety of diseases from tail rot to metabolic bone disease which is potentially lethal… Read More »Can Blue Tongue Skinks Eat Spinach?