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Iguana Care

Cuddly Pet Iguana

Can Iguanas Be Affectionate? Signs That Your Pet Iguanas Like You

  • Iguana

Iguanas have unique ways of expressing themselves that may not seem affectionate, but reflect their distinct personalities. To bond with your iguana, look for signs like relaxed body language, approachability, acceptance of touch, confident displays, and consistent positive interactions. Building trust takes time, but a rewarding relationship is possible.

Pet green iguana with name tag

Names for Pet Iguanas | 100 Unique Ideas for Any Gender

  • Iguana

Are you adopting an iguana and looking for ideas on how to name your new pet? Take a look below for some inspiration, with our list of names suitable for any gender of iguana. We’ve selected a few names inspired by the world of reptiles, iguanas, pop culture, and mythology, or which we simply found to be especially suited or funny for an iguana. Below, a list of unique name… Read More »Names for Pet Iguanas | 100 Unique Ideas for Any Gender

Rhinoceros Iguana

Rhinoceros Iguana Care – Information, Enclosure, Diet & Health

  • Iguana

The Rhinoceros iguana (Cyclura cornuta) is a remarkable and endangered species of iguana endemic to the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, which is shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Known for their large size and unique appearance, these iguanas vary in length from 60 to 136 centimeters (24 to 54 inches) and exhibit skin colors ranging from steely grey to dark green and brown. Named after the bony-plated pseudo-horns on… Read More »Rhinoceros Iguana Care – Information, Enclosure, Diet & Health

reptile iguana white background

Green Iguana Care – Information, Enclosure, Diet & Health

  • Iguana

Green iguanas are large herbivorous lizards with striking appearances. They require spacious enclosures, specific temperature and humidity levels, and a balanced diet of leafy greens. Caring for them demands commitment and regular veterinary check-ups.

Iguana Food and Diet

Iguana Food & Dietary Requirements

  • Iguana

Iguanas are strictly herbiroves, which means they consume exclusively plant material. In the wild, green iguanas feed on leaves, flowers, and some fruits. They do not eat insect or any other type of animal protein. A balanced diet of greens, vegetables, fruits, and other items can help to guarantee that your pet iguana is content and healthy. Make sure to provide your pet a wide choice of foods. This ensures… Read More »Iguana Food & Dietary Requirements