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Komodo Dragon

Lizard with strongest bite

What Lizard Has The Strongest Bite Force?

In the realm of reptiles, the Tegu lizard stands out for its formidable bite force, relying on physical strength for hunting. On the other hand, Komodo dragons, with their venomous bite and substantial size, are known for taking down prey much larger than themselves.

Are There Komodo Dragons in California?

Are There Komodo Dragons in California?

California, famous for its diverse wildlife, is home to all sorts of animals, from grizzly bears to desert tortoises. But one critter you won’t stumble upon in the wild here is the Komodo dragon. These guys are the biggest lizards globally and hail from Indonesia, a pretty far-off place from the U.S. They mostly hang out on islands like Komodo and Flores and aren’t found anywhere in the Americas. Even… Read More »Are There Komodo Dragons in California?

Largest Lizards in the World

15 Largest Lizards in the World

Lizards are a diverse group of reptiles that can be found on every continent except Antarctica. They range in size from tiny geckos that can fit on your fingertip to massive monitors that can weigh over 100 kg.

Komodo Dragon and Human bones and skull

Can Komodo dragons eat humans?

Can Komodo dragons eat humans? While it is possible, it’s an extremely rare occurrence. Komodo dragons are apex predators that primarily eat carrion and larger prey like water buffalo and deer