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Tegu Diet

What foods can tegus eat and which should they avoid? Diet requirements and feeding information for tegu lizards.

Tegu lizard and coconut

Can Tegu Lizards Eat Coconut?

  • Tegu

Tegu lizards are omnivores that can thrive on a diverse diet, which includes minimal quantities of fruit. Unfortunately, unlike other fruits, coconut has very high amounts of fat and should not be given to them too frequently. Despite its high-fat content, coconut can supply vital nutrients when given sparingly and as part of a well-rounded diet. This page contains affiliate links. As Amazon associates we may earn a commission for… Read More »Can Tegu Lizards Eat Coconut?

Homemade reptilink recipe

How to Make Your Own Reptilinks

  • Tegu

How to make your own DIY reptilinks: healthy food recipes for domestic snakes, lizards, amphibians, turtles and crocodilians.

Tegus can eat most types of fish including tuna and salmon, but in moderation.

Best Fish for Tegu Lizards – What You Need to Know

  • Tegu

Tegus can eat most types of fish safely, but it’s important to choose the right varieties and prepare them properly. Some fish contain an enzyme that can lead to vitamin B1 deficiency and neurological damage if fed in excess. Recommended fish species include freshwater fish such as tilapia, cod, haddock, and salmon, but it’s crucial to source high-quality, fresh fish and feed in moderation.

Tegu Meal Prep: Mesh, Patties & Wrap Recipes

Tegu Meal Prep: Tegu Mesh & Patties Recipes

  • Tegu

Finding suitable food for your pet tegu lizard is not a difficult task, but commercially available Tegu food can be expensive and may not always have the best ingredients. One of the best ways to save money on food for your tegu is to prepare it yourself, and to use readily available, fresh, healthy ingredients that ensure a varied diet. Meal prepping your tegu’s food in advance can save you… Read More »Tegu Meal Prep: Tegu Mesh & Patties Recipes

Tegu and Snake

Do tegus eat snakes and other lizards?

  • Tegu

Tegus are known to be opportunistic eaters, consuming a variety of prey items in the wild, including snakes and other small reptiles. So yes, tegus can eat snakes, lizards and reptiles – but these are not a primary food source in their diet. Tegus in the wild will primarily consume as small mammals, birds, insects, amphibians (frogs) and fruits. Can you feed other lizards to a tegu? Yes, you can… Read More »Do tegus eat snakes and other lizards?