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Tegu Supplies

Tegu enclosure

Best Plants for Tegu Enclosure

  • Tegu

Learn about the best plants for tegu enclosures and tips for setting them up to ensure their survival. Avoid toxic plants and choose sturdy, established plants to minimize the risk of damage to your enclosure.

Tegu lizard drinking water from a pet bowl.

Best Water & Food Bowls for Tegus

  • Tegu

When it comes to finding the right water and food bowl for tegus, there are several factors to consider – namely the age of your pet, material and size of the bowl. Regardless of which bowl you choose, it’s important to clean it regularly and ensure that your tegu has access to clean, fresh food and water every day. This page contains affiliate links. As Amazon associates we may earn… Read More »Best Water & Food Bowls for Tegus

Tegu on a leash

Tegu Harness and Leash

  • Tegu

Tegu owners who wish to take their pets out for a walk safely need to make sure they are properly secured with a harness and kept on a leash at all times. Tegus are not particularly easy to walk on a leash, and they will most likely rather be walking you in whichever direction they feel like going, but they will still enjoy their time out in the sun. Unfortunately,… Read More »Tegu Harness and Leash