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Home » Legality of Keeping a Tegu in Florida in 2024

Legality of Keeping a Tegu in Florida in 2024

Tegu lizards are quickly becoming some of the most popular exotic pets in the United States.

Unfortunately, they are have also become an invasive species in parts of the country as a result of this pet trade.

Because of this, some states like Florida and Georgia had to set some regulations to keep their population in place.

Walking a pet tegu outside in Florida
Dog-sized tegu lizards are popular pets in the US, but they are no longer legal to own in Florida.

As of 2022, owning any species of tegu lizard in Florida is illegal. This is a significant change that has impacted many pet owners in the state.

This wasn’t always the case. Up until 2021, it was legal to own a Tegu in Florida. However, due to the increasing number of invasive Tegus in the state, the law has changed.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission voted in February to adopt new rules.

As of April 29, pet owners cannot purchase Tegu lizards or green iguanas, among other nonnative reptiles newly prohibited.

Those who already own them must get them registered and microchipped. This is a significant change that has affected many pet owners.

All Tegu and green iguana breeding in Florida must cease by 2024.

Florida breeders have lost the in-state market, plus the ability to import the animals, and those with outdoor facilities have three months to move them inside. This has led to significant changes in the pet trade industry in the state.

Why and How Tegus Became Invasive in Florida

Tegus became invasive in Florida largely due to the pet trade. People purchased these lizards as pets, and when they grew too large to manage, they were often released into the wild.

This has led to a significant increase in the Tegu population in Florida. These animals are now considered an invasive species and are causing problems for the local ecosystem.

These invasive species are known to eat the eggs of important animals in Florida, like American alligators and rare birds and turtles.

This has had a significant impact on the local ecosystem and has led to efforts to reduce the Tegu population.

Is owning a Tegu legal in Florida?

No, owning a Tegu is not legal in Florida. The state of Florida has implemented strict regulations regarding the possession of Tegus.

These regulations were put into effect in 2021 to curb the growing population of this invasive species.

Prior to this ban, Tegus were popular in the pet trade, but their rapid reproduction and adaptability made them a threat to native wildlife.

However, for those who owned a Tegu before the implementation of this ban, there is an exception. They were required to obtain a Prohibited Species for Personal Use permit.

This permit allows them to keep their pet legally for the duration of its life.

Unfortuntaley, no new permits are being issued, which means there is no way to legally acquire a Tegu in Florida today.

What species of Tegus are illegal in Florida?

All species of Tegus are illegal in Florida. This includes, but is not limited to, the Argentine black and white Tegus, which are the most common species in the pet trade.

These species, along with others, were added to Florida’s Prohibited species list due to their invasive nature and the threat they pose to native ecosystems.

The ban on all Tegu species is part of Florida’s broader effort to protect its unique biodiversity.

The state has recognized the negative impact that invasive species can have on native wildlife and habitats, and has taken steps to prevent further introduction and spread of these species.

Can I get a license for Tegu lizards in Florida?

As of the current regulations, you cannot get a license for Tegu lizards in Florida. The state has stopped issuing new permits for Tegus as part of its efforts to control the population of this invasive species.

However, for those who owned a Tegu before the ban was implemented in 2021, they were required to obtain a Prohibited Species for Personal Use permit. This permit allows them to keep their pet legally for the duration of its life.

But it’s important to note that no new permits are being issued, meaning you cannot legally acquire a Tegu in Florida today.

Are Tegus an invasive species in Florida?

Yes, Tegus are considered an invasive species in Florida. An invasive species is defined as a species that is not native to a specific location, and that has a tendency to spread to a degree believed to cause damage to the environment, human economy, or human health.

Tegus, which are native to South America, have established populations in several areas of Florida. They are highly adaptable and can thrive in a variety of environments.

Their rapid reproduction, combined with a lack of natural predators, allows their populations to grow quickly.

This rapid growth poses a threat to native wildlife, as Tegus are known to prey on a variety of animals and can outcompete native species for resources.

Can I move a Tegu to Florida from another state?

No, you cannot move a Tegu to Florida from another state. The state’s regulations prohibit the importation of Tegus, regardless of where they originate.

This is part of Florida’s comprehensive approach to managing invasive species and protecting its unique ecosystems.

These regulations are in place to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species like the Tegu.

Violating these regulations can result in significant penalties, including fines and potential jail time.

Therefore, it’s important to understand and comply with all state and local laws when it comes to owning and transporting exotic pets.

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