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Tegu Taming, Handling and Potty Training Tips

Taming a tegu can be a rewarding experience, as these intelligent lizards are known for forming strong bonds with their caregivers.

However, it is important to approach taming with patience and understanding, as tegus can be skittish and may take time to adjust to new environments and people.

Whether you have an Argentine black and white tegu, a Red tegu, or Colombian tegu, there are a few key strategies that can help you establish a bond with your reptilian companion.

Tegus are intelligent creatures that can be tamed as pets and even house broken to some extent.
Tegus are intelligent creatures that can be tamed as pets and even house broken to some extent.
  1. Use slow, gentle movements when interacting with your tegu. Avoid making sudden or aggressive movements, as this can cause your tegu to become frightened or defensive.
  2. Talk to your tegu in a calm, soothing voice. This can help your tegu become accustomed to your presence and learn to associate your voice with positive experiences.
  3. Allow your tegu to lick you before attempting to handle them. This can help them feel more comfortable with your touch.
  4. Provide plenty of opportunities for your tegu to explore and interact with their environment. This can help them feel more secure and confident in their surroundings.
  5. Use treats and rewards to encourage positive behavior. You can offer your tegu favorite foods, such as berries or insects, as a reward for good behavior.
  6. Be patient. Taming a tegu can take time and requires consistent, daily interaction.

When it comes to taming tegus, Argentine black and white tegus and Red tegus tend to be more docile and easier to tame compared to Colombian tegus.

Taming a Colombian tegu may require longer periods of time and more patience, as they are generally considered to be less docile and more skittish than their Argentine counterparts.

However, with consistent handling, positive reinforcement, and patience, it is still possible to tame a Colombian tegu and create a strong bond with them as a pet.

Ultimately, the key to taming any type of tegu is to be patient, gentle, and consistent in your approach.

Handling a tegu is an important aspect of building a relationship with your pet.

It is recommended to start handling a young tegu as soon as possible, when they are still hatchling, to reduce food aggression and help them differentiate between you and food.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that juvenile tegus can be very aggressive and defensive, so it’s best to give them space and let them adjust to their new surroundings.

When it comes to how often you should handle a tegu, it will vary depending on the age of the lizard and its level of trust.

A young tegu may require more frequent handling, while an adult tegu may require less.

It’s important to note that tegus can be quite strong, so it is important to handle them properly to avoid getting bitten.

Here are a few tips and techniques to keep in mind when handling your tegu:

  • Always approach a tegu from the side, as this is less intimidating than approaching from above.
  • Tuck the tegu’s tail under your arm while handling it to control its movements.
  • Be gentle and avoid manhandling the tegu, as this can cause it to become defensive.
  • Never stare directly into a tegu’s eyes and make slow movements with your hand.
  • Accustom the tegu to your presence by spending time near its cage and offering treats occasionally.
  • Use your scent to create an association between you and security by handling the tegu with a recently-worn sweaty shirt.
  • Handle your tegu at the time when it’s most active, in case the tegu has a different schedule than yours it’s recommended to adjust the schedule
  • Avoid handling a tegu that is in the process of brumation.

It’s important to note that the amount of handling required may decrease as the tegu grows and matures.

However, a certain level of interaction is still required to maintain the trust and relationship you have built.

While it may be challenging, it is possible to potty train a tegu to a certain extent.

By establishing a consistent feeding and bathing routine, using a designated bathroom area, and rewarding good behavior, you can encourage your tegu to go to the bathroom in a specific place.

However, it’s important to remember that tegus are intelligent and independent animals, and may not respond to traditional potty training methods in the same way that a dog or cat would.

While it may be difficult to completely housebreak a tegu, there are a few strategies that can help you minimize accidents and encourage your tegu to go to the bathroom in a designated area.

  1. Establish a consistent feeding and bathing routine. Many tegus prefer to go to the bathroom after eating or soaking in water, so providing opportunities for your tegu to do so in a designated area can help prevent accidents.
  2. Consider using a different substrate, such as newspaper or aspen shavings, in the designated bathroom area. This can help your tegu associate a specific area with going to the bathroom.
  3. Keep an eye on your tegu and watch for signs that they need to go to the bathroom. These may include pacing, circling, or rubbing their hindquarters on the ground.
  4. Reward your tegu for going to the bathroom in the designated area. You can offer treats or praise as a reward to reinforce this behavior.

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