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Buaya di Tennessee

Apakah Ada Buaya di Tennessee? danau, Sungai dan Daerah Dengan Aligator

  • Buaya

Aligator memperluas jangkauannya ke utara dan telah terlihat di beberapa wilayah di Tennessee, termasuk Shelby, Hardin, dan Fayette. Danau dan sungai dengan aligator di Tennessee termasuk Danau Chickamauga, Danau Barkley, Danau Reelfoot, Sungai Mississippi, Sungai Tennessee, dan Kawasan Pengelolaan Margasatwa Wolf River.

retes stack with rocks for bearded dragon

Cara Membuat Tumpukan Retes untuk Naga Berjenggot

Retes stacks are a popular choice for bearded dragon owners because they are safe, effective, and durable. They are made up of a series of rocks or slate tiles that are stacked on top of each other, with heat lamps placed in between.

Uromastyx lizard and flowers

Bunga Apa yang Bisa Dimakan Uromastyx?

Uromastyx are herbivorous lizards that can eat a variety of flowers. Learn more about the best flowers to feed your uromastyx, how to feed them, and how to avoid potential risks.