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kadal tegu

Perawatan Tegu Hitam Putih Argentina

Perawatan Tegu Hitam Putih Argentina: Informasi, Persyaratan Lampiran, Diet & Kesehatan

Tegu hitam dan putih Argentina (also simply known as Argentine tegu, black & tegu putih, or Giant tegu) adalah reptil terestrial dan kerabat jauh biawak. Berasal dari Amerika Selatan, tegus adalah salah satu spesies kadal yang lebih besar yang dapat dipelihara di penangkaran dan telah menjadi sangat populer sebagai hewan peliharaan di AS, Inggris dan bagian lain dunia. Black and white… Baca selengkapnya »Perawatan Tegu Hitam Putih Argentina: Informasi, Persyaratan Lampiran, Diet & Kesehatan

Bisakah tegus makan apel??

Bisakah tegus makan apel??

Ya, tegus can eat apples and it is okay to feed them a variety of fruits as part of a balanced diet. Buah-buahan yang tinggi fruktosa harus dibatasi karena kandungan gulanya yang tinggi dan berisiko menyebabkan obesitas. Lebih-lebih lagi, Anda perlu memastikan untuk membuang biji apel sebelum disajikan karena sulit dicerna dan dapat menyebabkan impaksi. Selain itu,… Baca selengkapnya »Bisakah tegus makan apel??

Bisakah tegu makan nanas?

Bisakah tegus makan nanas??

Tegus can enjoy pineapple as part of their diet due to its rich vitamin C and antioxidant content, but it should be fed sporadically due to its high sugar levels.

Bisakah tegu makan babi??

Can Tegu Lizards Eat Pork? (Daging babi asap, Ham, Sausages)

Tegus are capable of consuming pork, but it’s important to note that pork is high in fat. For a healthier alternative, lean meats such as chicken or turkey are preferable. It’s best to avoid processed meats like bacon or hot dogs as they may not provide optimal nutrition for your tegu.

Bisakah tegus makan pisang??

Bisakah tegus makan pisang??

Tegus can eat bananas, although it is not one of the healthiest food choices for them, and fruit in general should be fed sporadically. Pisang kaya nutrisi, mengandung vitamin A dan C, kalium, antioksidan dan mineral, however they are also high in sugar and phosphorus which can impact your tegu’s ability to absorb calcium and make it prone to illness. It is best not to feed bananas to your… Baca selengkapnya »Bisakah tegus makan pisang??

Can tegu eat avocado?

Can Tegus Eat Avocado?

There is not a lot of evidence of what happens if you feed avocado to a tegu, but general consensus is that you should NOT do it. Avocados are filled with considerable amounts of oxalic acid which is known to bind itself to minerals and vitamins to form oxalates, which reptiles often have issues getting rid of. This comes with a variety of health implications, and can be potentially fatal… Baca selengkapnya »Can Tegus Eat Avocado?

Can tegu eat egg?

Can Tegus eat eggs?

Tegu lizards can safely eat most types of eggs. It is safe to feed tegus chicken and quail eggs, apakah mentah, matang, dengan atau tanpa cangkang. Di alam liar, tegu lizards are excellent egg hunters and have been observed preying on both bird and crocodile eggs. Telur adalah sumber protein yang baik dan cangkangnya terbuat dari kalsium, so it’s best to feed them whole. … Baca selengkapnya »Can Tegus eat eggs?

Lembar Perawatan Tegu

Perawatan Kadal Tegu – Informasi, Lampiran, Diet & Kesehatan

Tegus are large, intelligent lizards that have gained popularity as exotic pets in recent years. Native to South America, these reptiles are known for their docile personalities, impressive size, and striking appearance. Namun, owning a tegu requires a significant commitment of time, space, and resources.