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Tegu lizard and coconut

Can Tegu Lizards Eat Coconut?

Tegu lizards are omnivores that can thrive on a diverse diet, which includes minimal quantities of fruit. Sayangnya, unlike other fruits, coconut has very high amounts of fat and should not be given to them too frequently. Despite its high-fat content, coconut can supply vital nutrients when given sparingly and as part of a well-rounded diet. Feeding Coconut to Tegu Lizards Coconut is a rich source of fiber, protein, dan… Baca selengkapnya »Can Tegu Lizards Eat Coconut?

Tegu with the flag of Florida

Are Tegus Legal in Florida?

As of 2022, it is illegal to keep Tegu lizards a pet in Florida. Tegu have become an invasive species and there are strict restrictions on the transportation, owning, selling and breeding of these animals in the state.

Tegus in Canada

Are Tegus Legal in Canada?

Good news for reptile enthusiasts in Canada: Tegu lizards are generally allowed pets. Unlike Monitor lizards which are banned in much of the country, Tegus are completely legal to own. This is because even though tegus are grow quite large as adults, they do not exceed the maximum size of 2 metres and unlike monitors, they are not venomous. All most common species of Tegus in the pet trade meet… Baca selengkapnya »Are Tegus Legal in Canada?

Tegu hitam putih Argentina

Undang-Undang Argentina: Tamu Tak Diundang di Florida

Tegus hitam dan putih Argentina, asli Amerika Selatan, telah menjadi spesies invasif di Florida karena perdagangan hewan peliharaan. Berbagai upaya sedang dilakukan untuk mengendalikan populasi mereka yang berkembang pesat dan melindungi satwa liar asli.

Berjalan-jalan dengan tegu hewan peliharaan di luar Florida

Legalitas Memelihara Tegu di Florida 2024

Florida telah melarang kadal Tegu karena sifatnya yang invasif dan ancaman terhadap ekosistem lokal. Industri perdagangan hewan peliharaan dan pemilik Tegu menghadapi perubahan signifikan akibat peraturan baru ini.

Kadal Terbesar di Dunia

15 Kadal Terbesar di Dunia

Kadal adalah kelompok reptilia beragam yang dapat ditemukan di setiap benua kecuali Antartika. Ukurannya beragam, mulai dari tokek kecil yang bisa ditampung di ujung jari Anda hingga monitor besar yang bisa berbobot lebih dari satu ton 100 kg.

Baby Black and White Tegu Handling

Tegu Handling Tips, Taming Techniques and What to Avoid

Tegu lizards are intelligent and social animals that can make great pets. Namun, they are not naturally inclined to trust humans, and it is important to tame and handle them correctly to build trust and ensure a positive experience

a lizard on brown sand

Memilih Substrat Terbaik untuk Tegu Anda

Tegus are large, ground-dwelling lizards that love to dig and burrow. When choosing a substrate for your tegu’s enclosure, it is important to consider their needs and preferences. Tegus suka menggali dan menggali, so you should provide a varied substrate that will allow them to do so. A good substrate option is a mixture of newspaper or butcher paper as a base, with large sections of topsoil, mulsa cemara… Baca selengkapnya »Memilih Substrat Terbaik untuk Tegu Anda