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Come scegliere gli insetti giusti per la tua lucertola monitor

Most species of monitor lizards that are commonly kept as pets – such as Ackie Monitors, Monitor della savana, Monitor del Nilo, Black-throated and White-throated monitors, are prevalently insectivores.

This means that they mostly feed on insects, come i grilli, vermi della farina, and cockroaches. They may also eat small rodents, come i topi, and occasional fruits and vegetables.

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Savannah Monitor mangia insetti
Savannah Monitor and Insects

Insects are especially important for hatchlings and juvenile monitor lizards, as this is what they would normally feed on in the wild while they are still young and growing.

Insects are whole prey and a great source of protein and calcium, which is essential for growth and can prevent a number of health issues in lizards and reptiles.

Best Insects for Monitor Lizards

InsettoProteine (%)Grasso (%)Calcio (mg/kg)Fosforo (mg/kg)
Scarafaggi Dubia21.43.17002600
Vermi Golia93.074641394
Vermi della cera14.124.92431650
Vermi della farina18.713.41692950
Larve di mosca soldato nera17.51493403560
Bachi da seta9.31.11772370

Scarafaggi Dubia

Dubia roaches are an excellent staple food choice for monitor lizards of all ages due to their high protein and calcium content, e basse quantità di grassi.

Sono più facili da allevare come insetti da mangiare rispetto ai grilli e più economici dei bachi da seta, e contengono meno grassi rispetto ad altri tipi di insetti.

Scarafaggi Dubia

Scaldacorni / Vermi Golia

Hornworms and Goliath worms are large, juicy caterpillars that are a good source of protein and fat for monitor lizards. They can be fed as a treat or as part of a regular diet.

Cornocaldo / Verme Golia

Vermi della cera

Waxworms are high in fat and calories, so they should only be fed to monitor lizards as a treat. They are a good source of energy, però, and can be helpful for underweight lizards in need of energy.

Vermi della cera


I supervermi sono simili ai vermi della farina, but they are larger and have a softer shell. This makes them easier to digest for monitor lizards.

Sono una buona fonte di proteine ​​e calcio, and can be fed as a staple food or as a treat.


Vermi della farina

Mealworms are a common feeder insect that is high in protein and calcium.

They are also relatively easy to find and affordable. Tuttavia, they can be hard to digest for some monitor lizards.

Vermi della farina


Crickets are another popular feeder insect for monitor lizards. They are low in fat and high in protein, making them a good choice for a healthy diet.

Tuttavia, they can be noisy and escape easily, so they may not be the best choice for all keepers.


Larve di mosca soldato nera

Black soldier fly larvae are a nutritious feeder insect that is high in calcium and protein.

They are also easy to gut-load, which means that they can be fed a diet of fruits, verdura, and other nutritious foods before being fed to the lizard. This helps to ensure that the lizard is getting all the nutrients it needs.

Larve di mosca soldato nera


Butterworms are a high-fat insect that is a good source of energy for monitor lizards. They can be fed as a treat or as part of a regular diet.

Tuttavia, it is important to not overfeed them, as too much fat can lead to obesity.


Bachi da seta

Silkworms are a good source of protein, calcio, e fibra. They are also low in fat, making them a healthy choice for monitor lizards.

Purtroppo, they can be more difficult to find and more expensive than other feeder insects.

Bachi da seta

Caricamento intestinale

Caricamento intestinale is the process of feeding insects a nutritious diet before feeding them to your monitor lizard. Ciò aumenta il valore nutrizionale degli insetti e migliora la digestione del tuo animale domestico. It is essential for maintaining your monitor lizard’s overall health and well-being.

There are many different ways to gut load insects, but the most common method is to place them in a container with a variety of fruits, verdura, and other nutritious foods.

The insects should be fed this nutritious diet for at least 24 hours before being fed to your monitor lizard. This will give them time to digest the food and absorb the nutrients.

Spolverare con integratori

Dusting insects with calcium powder and multiminerals is an alternative to gut loading that can help to ensure that your monitor lizard gets the nutrients they need. The frequency of dusting and the specific supplements used will vary depending on the species of monitor lizard.

Calcium is especially important for reptiles because their bodies cannot produce it on their own. A lack of calcium can lead to metabolic bone disease, a serious condition that can cause deformities, letargia, e persino la morte.

Per spolverare gli insetti con polvere di calcio e multiminerali, posiziona semplicemente gli insetti in un contenitore e cospargili con la polvere. È importante scegliere polveri di calcio prive di fosforo e D3, e multivitaminici appositamente pensati per i rettili.

Supplemento di calcio retticalcio
Zoo Med Repti Calcio senza D3
Integratore di calcio adatto ai rettiliCalcio repcal senza D3
Integratore multivitaminico per rettili
Integratore vitaminico per rettili Fluker's Repta
Leggi di più: I migliori integratori per Tegus

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