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Uromastyx marocchino in vendita

Il Uromastice marocchino, conosciuta anche come lucertola marocchina dalla coda spinosa o lucertola "occhio"., è una specie di Uromastyx originaria delle boscaglie secche del Marocco, Nord Africa.

Sono noti per la loro faccia unica da rana, coda corta e appuntita, e scaglie molto piccole rispetto ad altri agamidi.

Sono piuttosto longevi con individui registrati a 30 anni ma con una vita media più lunga di 15 anni.

Moroccan Uromastyx are different from other Uromastyx species.

Sono principalmente erbivori, but occasionally eat insects and other small animals, especially young lizards, if no vegetation is available in the desert.

They spend most of their waking hours basking in the sun, hiding in underground chambers at daytime or when danger appears.

Compared to other Uromastyx species, the Moroccan Uromastyx are known to establish themselves in hilly, rocky areas with good shelter and accessible vegetation.

In captivity their diet is not dissimilar to that of other Uromastyx lizards – you should feed them a diet consisting mainly of plant matter, occasionally you can provide fruit as a treat. Do not feed them insects or meat of any kind.

Leggi di più: Cura Uromastige & Dieta

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