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Casa » Freddo & Idee uniche per nascondere i rettili

Freddo & Idee uniche per nascondere i rettili

Creating a comfortable and stimulating environment for your lizard is crucial for its health and happiness.

A well-designed hide is more than just a shelter; it’s a space where your lizard can feel secure and relaxed.

But why stop at just functional? With a little creativity, these hides can become the centerpiece of your lizard’s enclosure, transforming it into a unique and visually appealing habitat.

Sotto, a list of ideas for unique and original reptile hides that will add that wow factor to your pet’s enclosure.

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Rocks & Basking Platforms

Magtara Cliff & Cave Hideout Rainforest Series

Reptile Rock Basking Platform

Legna & Logs Nasconde

Tfwadmx Large Reptile Hide

PINVNBY Reptile Hollow Tree Trunk Decoration

Statues & Buddhas

PINVNBY Buddha Head Statue Decorations, Large Buddha Sculpture Ornament

SLOCME Large Angkor Wat Buddha Statue Temple Decoration

Skull Hides

Exo Terra Terrarium Decor Buffalo Skull

Dinosaur Skull Reptile Cave Habitat Hide

Plant & Moss Hides

Cactus Reptile Hide

USMOLA Mossy Caves, Artificial Green Moss Caves Hide for Pet Reptile

Sky Hides

Leoterra Plastic Reptile Hideout Snake Hide Reptile Cave
ECO-Reptile Sky Hides

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