» Quince モニターケアシート

Quince モニターケアシート

クインス・モニター、別名イエロー・モニター (ヴァラヌス・メリヌス), 東南アジア原産の中型のオオトカゲです.

鮮やかな体色と活発な行動で知られる, 爬虫類愛好家の間で人気の選択肢です。.

クインスモニター / 黄色のモニター
クインスモニター / 黄色のモニター

野生で, クインスオオトカゲは、タイなどの熱帯雨林や湿地に生息しています。, マレーシア, そしてインドネシア.


Physical Characteristics

Quince Monitors are known for their striking appearance. They have elongated bodies, strong limbs, and a long, tapering tail.

Their skin is adorned with beautiful patterns of yellow and black, which provide excellent camouflage in their natural habitat.

Behavioral Traits

Quince Monitors are active and curious creatures. They are excellent climbers and swimmers, spending a significant amount of time exploring their surroundings.

Despite their active nature, they are generally shy and will retreat if they feel threatened.


Quince Monitors require a spacious enclosure due to their active nature.

A terrarium measuring at least 6 長さフィート, 3 足の幅, と 4 feet in height is recommended for an adult Quince Monitor.


A mixture of peat moss, soil, and sand makes an excellent substrate for Quince Monitors.

It should be deep enough to allow for burrowing, a natural behavior for these lizards.

Dietary Needs

Quince Monitors are carnivorous and thrive on a diet of insects, 小さなげっ歯類, 魚, and occasionally, 鳥の卵.

Given their semi-aquatic nature and natural habitat, fish forms an essential part of the Quince Monitor’s diet.

Younger monitors typically require daily feeding mainly in the form of insects, 大人は一日おきに餌を与えることができますが、.


Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to ensure your Quince Monitor’s health.

Common health issues include parasitic infections, 代謝性骨疾患, and respiratory infections.
