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Iguānas ķirzaku kopšanas ceļvedis un informācija: iežogojuma prasības, diēta un barošana, veselība un vairāk. Kā turēt un kopt iguānas kā mājdzīvnieku – Zaļā iguāna, Sarkanā iguāna, Zilā iguāna, Akmens iguāna utt.

Cuddly Pet Iguana

Can Iguanas Be Affectionate? Signs That Your Pet Iguanas Like You

  • Iguāna

Iguanas are quite the unique pets. They don’t show their affection in the same way as dogs or cats do, but that doesn’t mean they’re devoid of feelings. These large lizards express their emotions in their own special ways, which can be intriguing for those who appreciate their distinct personalities. While they may come across as independent, getting to know them reveals a different side. Tā teikts, don’t mistake iguana’s… Lasīt vairāk »Can Iguanas Be Affectionate? Signs That Your Pet Iguanas Like You

Green Iguana and Chocolate

Can Iguanas Eat Chocolate?

  • Iguāna

Chocolate is toxic to iguanas because lizards are particularly sensitive to theobromine, a compound found in chocolate. Chocolate can cause a number of health problems in reptiles, including seizures and death.

Pet green iguana with name tag

Names for Pet Iguanas | 100 Unique Ideas for Any Gender

  • Iguāna

Are you adopting an iguana and looking for ideas on how to name your new pet? Take a look below for some inspiration, with our list of names suitable for any gender of iguana. We’ve selected a few names inspired by the world of reptiles, iguanas, pop culture, and mythology, or which we simply found to be especially suited or funny for an iguana. Zemāk, a list of unique name… Lasīt vairāk »Names for Pet Iguanas | 100 Unique Ideas for Any Gender

Lielākās ķirzakas pasaulē

15 Lielākās ķirzakas pasaulē

Ķirzakas ir daudzveidīga rāpuļu grupa, ko var atrast visos kontinentos, izņemot Antarktīdu. To izmēri svārstās no maziem gekoniem, kas var ietilpt jūsu pirkstā, līdz masīviem monitoriem, kas var svērt vairāk 100 Kilograms.

Iguāna un burkāni

Vai iguānas var ēst burkānus?

  • Iguāna

Burkāni un burkānu galotnes ir droši un barojoši ēdieni iguānām, bet tie jābaro ar mēru. Iguānas jābaro ar dažādiem dārzeņiem, ieskaitot lapu zaļumus, krustziežu dārzeņi, un skvošs. Burkāniem un burkānu galotnēm vajadzētu būt ne vairāk kā 10% par iguānas diētu.

Iguana and Brussel Sprouts

Can Iguanas Eat Brussel Sprouts?

  • Iguāna

Brussel sprouts are a good source of fiber and vitamins for iguanas, but they should only be fed in limited amounts due to their calcium-binding properties. Here’s how to prepare and feed brussel sprouts to your iguana safely.

Green Iguana and Bread

Vai iguānas var ēst maizi?

  • Iguāna

Bread is high in carbohydrates and low in nutrients, and it can cause a variety of health problems in iguanas, including digestive problems, nutritional deficiencies, and obesity.

Can Iguanas eat Grapes

Can Iguanas Eat Grapes?

  • Iguāna

Iguanas can eat grapes in moderation, but they are high in sugar and oxalates, which can be harmful if consumed in excess. Grapes should be fed as an occasional treat, and it is important to remove the seeds before feeding to your iguana.

shallow focus photography of green iguana

Do Iguanas Make Good Pets? Things You Should Know

  • Iguāna

Green iguanas may seem like captivating pets, but their temperament, demanding care requirements, destructive tendencies, and potential risks make them a pet choice that is best avoided for most people