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Dragões barbudos podem comer cogumelos?

Na natureza, dragões barbudos foram observados consumindo uma variedade de alimentos, incluindo cogumelos, mas isso não significa que você deva alimentá-los com seu urso de estimação.

Tecnicamente, dragões barbudos podem comer cogumelos, mas é um pouco complicado do que isso.

Embora algumas espécies de cogumelos sejam seguras para serem consumidas por dragões barbudos, muitos outros são tóxicos e podem causar sérios problemas de saúde.

Bearded Dragon with Mushrooms
Bearded Dragon with Mushrooms (não é seguro para consumo)

Coisas a considerar

Mushrooms are high in phosphorus, which can disrupt the delicate balance of calcium and phosphorus in a bearded dragon’s diet. 

Excessive phosphorus interferes with calcium absorption, a nutrient vital for a bearded dragon’s health.

Safe Mushroom Varities for Bearded Dragons

Some safe mushroom varieties for bearded dragons include button mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, and portobello mushrooms.

These mushrooms are low in fat and high in protein, making them a nutritious addition to your bearded dragon’s diet.

Keep in mind that mushrooms should only be fed to your bearded dragon in moderation and they cannot substitute dark leafy greens and insects as a staple in their diet.

Toxic Mushrooms for Bearded Dragons

Por outro lado, there are many types of mushrooms that are toxic to bearded dragons, e você deveria never feed wild mushrooms found in the wild or in your backyard.

These mushrooms can cause a range of symptoms, incluindo vômito, diarréia, convulsões, e até a morte.

It’s important to always do your research before feeding your bearded dragon any new foods, incluindo cogumelos.

If you’re unsure about whether a particular mushroom is safe for your bearded dragon to eat, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid feeding it to them altogether.

Melhores alternativas

The main staple of a bearded dragon’s diet consists of insects such as crickets, larvas de farinha, minhocas, e baratas.

They also eat dark leafy greens like collard greens, nabiças, e mostarda. You can also offer occasional fruits like apples or pears in small amounts as treats.

The specific vegetation that bearded dragons eat in the wild includes dandelions, clover, flores, grasses, and Perennial Soybean.

They also consume vegetables like sweet potatoes, brócolis, repolho, beans, ervilhas, pimentões, and kale.

There are no known health benefits associated with feeding them mushrooms.

Além disso, the risks associated with feeding them the wrong type of mushroom, which could potentially be toxic, far outweigh any potential benefits.

It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the health of your pet.

If you’re unsure about whether a particular mushroom is safe for your bearded dragon to eat, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid feeding it to them altogether.

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Barbear Dragão Barbudo

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