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Como construir uma pilha Retes, Passo a passo

UMARetes Stack, also known as a basking stack, é um termo comumente usado na comunidade de manutenção de répteis, particularmente para lagartos-monitores, como o monitor Ackie.

Retes stacks are essentially basking units designed to provide a gradient of heat and hiding spots for the monitor lizard.

The Retes Stack consists of stacked flat wood or stone pieces with spacers in between, criando fendas e plataformas para o lagarto escalar e se aquecer.

Por ter vários níveis, cada um com temperaturas diferentes, o lagarto monitor pode escolher o local preferido enquanto está parcialmente obscurecido.

As camadas da pilha geralmente são anguladas para criar fendas apertadas para os lagartos se encaixarem., proporcionando uma sensação de segurança.

O objetivo é criar uma faixa de temperatura graduada e oferecer aos lagartos amplas opções para se aquecer.

The specific design and construction of a Retes stack can vary based on individual preferences and the needs of the particular species being kept.

Por exemplo, Frank Retes, um respeitado entusiasta de répteis e criador do conceito, recommends using plywood sheets instead of stone due to safety concerns.

Pilhas de pedra podem representar um risco de ferimentos ou esmagamento para os répteis. Se você optar por pedras, try to get flat stone slates and make sure they are secured tightly.

Ao construir uma pilha Retes, é essencial garantir que ele repouse no chão do gabinete para evitar que o lagarto-monitor se enterre embaixo e possa se machucar.

A pilha deve ser resistente e montada com segurança para evitar acidentes.

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Retes Stacks
Retes Stacks for Lizards
  • Plywood sheets: These will form the main structure of your Retes stack. The size and thickness can vary depending on your preference and the size of your reptile.
  • Screws or nails: To secure the plywood sheets together.
  • Sandpaper: To smooth out any rough edges on the plywood.
  • Non-toxic sealant: To protect the wood and make it safe for your reptile.
  • Lâmpadas de calor: To provide the necessary heat for your reptile. A cluster of at least two halogen flood bulbs is recommended.
  • Digital thermometers: To monitor the temperatures in the enclosure. An infrared temperature gun can also be used to measure the basking surface temperature.

Etapa 1: Cutting the Plywood

Primeiro, you’ll need to cut your plywood. Start by measuring the size of the enclosure to determine how big each piece needs to be.

Lembrar, the size and thickness of these pieces can be adjusted based on your personal preference and the size of your reptile.

Once you’ve taken your measurements, use a saw to carefully cut the plywood into rectangular pieces.

Make sure the edges are smooth and there are no splinters that could potentially harm your reptile.

Etapa 2: Creating Angled Layers

Próximo, you’ll want to create angled layers.

This step is all about maximizing the available space in the enclosure and creating tight, cozy spots for your lizard to hide. To do this, angle each plywood layer slightly.

This slight angle will create crevices that your lizard can wedge into, providing them with a sense of security and a place to hide when they want some privacy.

Etapa 3: Assembling the Stack

Agora, it’s time to assemble your stack.

Start from the bottom and work your way up, layering the pieces of plywood on top of each other. Make sure each layer is securely attached to the one below it.

You can use screws or nails for this purpose. Remember to maintain the slight angle you created in the previous step.

Também, make sure the stack is sturdy and securely assembled to avoid any accidents.

You don’t want any pieces falling or shifting unexpectedly.

Etapa 4: Sealing the Stack

Once your stack is assembled, you’ll want to seal it.

This is especially important if you’re using plywood, as it can absorb moisture and deteriorate over time.

Use a waterproof sealant and apply it evenly over the entire surface of the stack.

Allow it to dry completely before introducing your reptile to its new home.

Etapa 5: Adding Heat Sources

Por último, add heat sources to your Retes stack.

Position a heat lamp directly over the stack and another off to the side to create a temperature gradient.

Monitor the temperatures regularly to ensure they are within the safe range for your reptile. Remember to turn off the heat at night.

And there you have it! Your Retes stack is now ready for your reptile to explore and enjoy.

Lembrar, the key to a successful Retes stack is ensuring it is safe, comfortable, and suitable for your specific reptile’s needs.

Happy building!

Basking stones for bearded dragon

Magtara Ledge Hideout Rainforest Series

O Magtara Ledge Hideout Rainforest Series serve como uma alternativa válida para uma pilha de répteis, particularmente para lagartos de estimação menores, como dragões barbudos. Seu design naturalista e interior seguro fornecem um ambiente atraente e seguro para esses répteis se esconderem e se aquecerem confortavelmente.

Leia também: How to Build a Retes Stack with Rocks for Bearded Dragons

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