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Ghid și informații despre îngrijirea șopârlelor iguane: cerințele de incintă, dietă și hrănire, sanatate si nu numai. Cum să păstrați și să îngrijiți iguanele ca animal de companie - Iguana verde, Iguana rosie, Iguana albastra, Iguana de stâncă etc.

shallow focus photography of green iguana

Do Iguanas Make Good Pets? Things You Should Know

  • Iguană

Green iguanas may seem like captivating pets, but their temperament, demanding care requirements, destructive tendencies, and potential risks make them a pet choice that is best avoided for most people

Iguana and broccoli

Can Iguanas Eat Broccoli?

  • Iguană

Broccoli is a good source of vitamins C, K, and A, as well as fiber. It is a safe and healthy addition to an iguana’s diet, but should only make up a small percentage of their diet.

Green iguana and apple fruits

Pot iguanele să mănânce mere?

  • Iguană

Iguanas can safely eat apples, although in moderation. Apples are high in sugar, so too much can lead to health problems in iguanas. It’s also important to remove the seeds before feeding them, as they can be a choking hazard

Iguana rinocer

Îngrijire iguana rinocer – informație, Incinta, Dietă & Sănătate

  • Iguană

The Rhinoceros iguana (Ciclu cu coarne) is a remarkable and endangered species of iguana endemic to the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, which is shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Known for their large size and unique appearance, these iguanas vary in length from 60 la 136 centimeters (24 la 54 inches) and exhibit skin colors ranging from steely grey to dark green and brown. Named after the bony-plated pseudo-horns on… Citeste mai mult »Îngrijire iguana rinocer – informație, Incinta, Dietă & Sănătate

Largest Pet Lizards

The Largest Species of Lizards You Can Keep as Pets

Lizards are popular pets for many people, and there are many different species to choose from, from common house geckos to bearded dragons, which can make for exotic yet trusty companions. But while most species of reptiles are rather small in size, there are lizards out there as big as cats and dogs – or even bigger. And yes, some of them you can own. The largest species of lizard… Citeste mai mult »The Largest Species of Lizards You Can Keep as Pets

Iguana with cabbage

Can Iguanas Eat Cabbage?

  • Iguană

Iguanas can safely consume cabbage, but it is not particularly nutrient-rich and should not be a staple in their diet. Cabbage primarily consists of water and antioxidants, and while it contains some vitamins and fiber, it should only make up about 10-15% of an iguana’s total daily food intake.

reptile iguana white background

Green Iguana Care – informație, Incinta, Dietă & Sănătate

  • Iguană

Green iguanas are large herbivorous lizards with striking appearances. They require spacious enclosures, specific temperature and humidity levels, and a balanced diet of leafy greens. Caring for them demands commitment and regular veterinary check-ups.

Iguana with banana

Pot iguanele să mănânce banane?

Iguanas can enjoy bananas as a treat, but moderation is crucial due to their high sugar content. Bananas offer essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Incorporate small banana pieces into your iguana’s diet as a supplement to their leafy greens, promoting digestion and overall health.