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Можно ли владеть тегу в Австралии?

К сожалению, you cannot legally own a tegu in Australia.

Австралийское правительство имеет строгие законы в отношении ввоза экзотических животных и владения ими., и тегу не являются аборигенами Австралии. Как таковой, в Австралии запрещено держать тегу в качестве домашнего питомца..

Черно-белый тегу (Спаситель Мерианы)
No species of tegu is currently legal to own as a pet in Australia

Единственный способ легально владеть тегу в Австралии — это получить разрешение от Департамента окружающей среды., Земля, Вода и планирование (ДЭЛВП). Однако, permits are rarely granted, and only for scientific or educational purposes.

No species of tegu is currently legal to own as a pet in Australia. Аргентинское действие, Красный был занят, and Colombian tegus are all considered invasive species.

If you are caught in possession of a tegu in Australia, you could face a fine of up to $22,000 or up to two years in prison.

Tegu lizards are considered invasive in Australia. They are native to South America and were first introduced to the country as pets in the 1990s.

С того времени, they have escaped or been released into the wild and have established populations in several states, including Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia.

Tegus are considered a threat to native wildlife in Australia. They compete with native animals for food and habitat, and they can also prey on native animals.

Tegus are also known to carry diseases that can be transmitted to native animals and have unfortunately cause disruption in other countries where they have become an invasive species, such as in parts of the United States.

Alternative Options

If you are looking for a pet reptile, there are many native Australian species that are legal to own and make great pets.

Some popular choices include bearded dragons, голубоязычные сцинки, и водяные драконы.

Бородатые драконы

Bearded dragons are a popular choice for reptile pets because they are relatively small, easy to care for, and very social.

They are native to Australia and can be found in a variety of habitats, включая пустыни, лесные массивы, и луга. Бородатые агамы всеядны и поедают разнообразных насекомых., фрукты, и овощи.

They are also known for their ability to change color, which they do to communicate with other bearded dragons or to regulate their body temperature.

Синеязычные сцинки

Blue-tongued skinks are another popular choice for reptile pets. They are slightly larger than bearded dragons, но за ними относительно легко ухаживать.

Blue-tongued skinks are native to Australia and can be found in a variety of habitats, включая леса, лесные массивы, и луга. They are omnivores and eat a variety of insects, мелкие млекопитающие, и рептилии.

Blue-tongued skinks are also known for their gentle temperament and their ability to learn their owner’s name.

Water Dragons

Water dragons are a species of monitor lizard, но за ними относительно легко ухаживать.

They are native to Australia and can be found in a variety of habitats, including rivers, streams, and swamps.

Water dragons are omnivores and eat a variety of insects, рыбы, и мелкие млекопитающие. They are also known for their ability to swim and climb.

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