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PetsWithScales.com er en informativ hjemmeside om pleje af store øgler. Vi indsamler og giver oplysninger fra forskellige kilder på tværs af nettet om, hvordan man holder og plejer krybdyr som kæledyr.

De arter, vi primært beskæftiger os med, er tegus, firben, leguaner, skinks and uromastyx.

Vores mål er at levere information af høj kvalitet for at hjælpe kæledyrsejere med at få det bedre, mere informerede beslutninger om deres dyrs kostvaner, sundhed og liv.


Please note that we do ikke provide expert scientific or medical advice and you should always double check any information with your vet. Every individual animal is different and what may be recommended here may not work for your pet. We are not responsible for any harm or damage you or your pets may experience as a result of following any information you read on this website. If you find that any of the information is inaccurate, wrong or misleading please get in touch with us explaining the situation in detail.

Some articles on this website may contain affiliate links to external websites including Amazon. As part of the Amazon associate programme, we may earn a commission for eligible product sales. This does not affect your customer experience in any way and it does not come at any extra cost. All of the products we promote are the result of extensive research and we aim at promoting the healthiest, most high-quality options in the market. Commissions help us maintain the website and keep doing our best work.

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