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Beste Kalziumpräparate & Multivitamine für Uromastyx

Uromastyxes are desert lizards that require a diet high in calcium and low in phosphorus. In der Wildnis, they get most of their calcium from eating plants.

Jedoch, many of the plants that uromastyx eat in captivity are low in calcium and high in phosphorus.

This is why it is important to supplement their diet with calcium.

A calcium deficiency can make uromastyx lizards prone to developing metabolic bone disease (MBD), a condition that can lead to bone deformities, fractures, und sogar der Tod.

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Uromastyx calcium and multivitamin supplements

The best calcium supplements for uromastyx are those that are phosphorus-free and low in vitamin D3.

Vitamin D3 helps the body absorb calcium, but uromastyx can get enough vitamin D3 from their UVB lighting, so it’s best to stick to supplements with low D3.

It is recommended to feed your pet uromastyx a calcium supplements twice a week by mixing it into their food.

Here are some of the best calcium supplements for uromastyx lizards:

T-Rex Uromastyx Dust

This is a calcium and multivitamin supplement that is specifically formulated for uromastyx.

It contains calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals.

T-Rex Uromastyx Dust for Uromastyx

Zoo Med Repti Calcium ohne D3

Phosphorus-free, D3-free calcium supplement for reptiles and amphibians.

It is made from ultra-fine precipitated calcium carbonate, which has a high surface area and is therefore more bioavailable than other forms of calcium.

Zoo Med Repti Calcium without D3 for Uromastyx

Repcal Calcium ohne D3

Phosphorus-free, D3-free calcium powder that is safe for reptiles and amphibians.

It can be used to supplement their diet or to dust their food.

The powder is easy to use and can be added to vegetables, Früchte, and pastes.

Repcal Calcium without D3 for Uromastyx

In addition to calcium supplements, it is also important to offer your uromastyx foods that are high in calcium.

Some good calcium-rich foods for uromastyx include:

  • Löwenzahngrün: Dandelion greens are a great source of calcium, Vitamin A, and vitamin C.
  • Grünkohl: Kale is another good source of calcium, as well as vitamin K.
  • Kohlrabi: Turnip greens are a good source of calcium, Vitamin A, and vitamin C.
  • Brokkoli: Broccoli is a good source of calcium, Vitamin K, und Faser.

Best Reptile Multivitamins for Uromastyx

You should also offer your uromastyx a multivitamin supplement once a week.

This will help to ensure that they are getting all of the essential vitamins and minerals they need.

Some good multivitamin supplements for uromastyx include:

Flukers Repta Vitamin-Ergänzung für Reptilien

Powdered supplement that contains beta carotene and essential vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, and minerals that your pet needs.

It is easy to use, simply sprinkle it on your feeder insects, Nagetiere, or fruits/vegetables before feeding.

Fluker's Repta Vitamin Reptile Supplement for Uromastyx

How to give calcium supplements to uromastyx

There are a few different ways to give calcium supplements to uromastyx.

Dusting their food: This is the most common and easiest way to give calcium supplements to uromastyx.

Simply sprinkle a small amount of the supplement over their food before feeding them.

You can use a spoon or your fingers to dust the food. Be sure to coat the food evenly, but don’t overdo it.

You don’t want to make the food too dusty, as this can deter your uromastyx from eating it.

Mixing the supplement with water: This is a good option for uromastyx that are picky eaters.

Mix a small amount of the supplement with water until it forms a slurry. Then, use a syringe to squirt the slurry into your uromastyx’s mouth.

Be careful not to squirt the slurry too far down your uromastyx’s throat, as this could choke them.

Mixing the supplement with food: If your uromastyx has a favorite food, you can try mixing the calcium supplement with that food.

This can make the supplement more appealing to your uromastyx. Zum Beispiel, you could mix the supplement with their leafy greens, Früchte, or insects.

How much calcium should I give my uromastyx?

The amount of calcium that you need to give your uromastyx will depend on their age and health. Babies and juveniles need more calcium than adults. It is also important to increase the amount of calcium that you give your uromastyx if they are gravid (pregnant).

Here is a general guideline for how much calcium to give your uromastyx:

  • Babies (0-12 Monate): 3 mal pro Woche
  • Jugendliche (12-24 Monate): 3 mal pro Woche
  • Erwachsene (24+ Monate): 2 mal pro Woche

It is important to rotate the supplements so that the same supplement is not given on consecutive days. Only dust their food very lightly, just a pinch is fine.

Signs of calcium deficiency in uromastyx

There are a few signs that your uromastyx may be deficient in calcium. These signs include:

  • Soft or brittle bones
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle spasms
  • Anfälle
  • Swollen limbs
  • Deformities of the jaw or spine

If you notice any of these signs in your uromastyx, it is important to take them to the vet for a checkup.

Tips for giving calcium supplements to uromastyx

Here are a few tips for giving calcium supplements to uromastyx:

Use a high-quality calcium supplement. There are many different calcium supplements on the market, but not all of them are created equal. 

Choose a supplement that is specifically designed for reptiles and that is phosphorus-free and low in vitamin D3.

Avoid giving your uromastyx calcium supplements that contain vitamin D3 more than once a week

Uromastyx can get enough vitamin D3 from their UVB lighting, so it’s best to stick to supplements with low D3.

Monitor your uromastyx’s weight and body condition

If you notice that your uromastyx is losing weight or that their body condition is declining, reduce the amount of calcium supplements that you are giving them.

If you are having trouble getting your uromastyx to eat their calcium supplements, try mixing them with their favorite food or treat

You can also try dusting their food with a small amount of the supplement before feeding them.

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