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Können Blauzungenskin Äpfel essen??

Zusamenfassend: Jawohl, blue tongue skinks can eat apples and it is perfectly acceptable to feed them these fruits as part of a balanced diet.

Das gesagt, Bei der Fütterung von Äpfeln an Ihr Haustier Skink sind einige gesundheitliche Aspekte zu beachten:

Blue tongue skink and apple
Blue-tongued skink vs Apple

Äpfel haben einen hohen Fruchtzuckergehalt und ihr Verzehr sollte begrenzt werden, aufgrund ihres hohen Zuckergehalts, der zu Fettleibigkeit führen kann.

Darüber hinaus, Sie müssen sicherstellen, dass Sie alle Apfelkerne vor dem Servieren entfernen, da sie schwer verdaulich sind und zu Impaktionen führen können.

Abgesehen davon, apple is a healthy fruit choice and you can feed it to your blue tongued skink in moderation without any major concerns.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Are apples safe for blue tongue lizards?

Ja, apples are generally safe for blue tongue lizards to eat. Jedoch, they should be fed in moderation as they are high in fructose, which is a type of sugar that can lead to obesity in reptiles. Zusätzlich, apple seeds should be removed before feeding as they can be hard to digest and may cause impaction. Apples can be a good source of dietary fiber, Vitamine, and minerals for blue tongue lizards, but they should not make up the majority of their diet.

Can blue tongue skinks eat applesauce?

It is not recommended to feed blue tongue skinks applesauce as it often contains added sugars and preservatives that may not be healthy for reptiles. Zusätzlich, the texture of applesauce may not be ideal for blue tongue skinks, as they prefer to chew their food. It is best to stick to feeding fresh fruits to blue tongue skinks, and to make sure that any fruit offered is appropriate for their dietary needs and offered in moderation.

What are the best fruits to feed blue tongue skinks?

In addition to apples, blue tongue skinks can also eat a variety of other fruits in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Some good options include berries, such as strawberries and blueberries, as well as melons, Papaya, and mango. It is important to offer fruits that are appropriate for the specific dietary needs of the skink species, and to avoid offering fruits that are high in sugars or that may be difficult to digest.

Reptilink-Optionen für Blauzungenskinke

Das 25/25/50 Allesfresser-Mischung + Insekten-Reptilinks sind speziell für ausgewachsene und nicht ausgewachsene Blauzungenskinke formuliert, die sie enthalten 50% pflanzliche Materie (keine Früchte), 25% Insekten, und 25% mageres Kaninchen.

Zutaten: Insekten (Zischende Kakerlaken, Grillen, Superwürmer), Kaninchen (Ohio züchtete neuseeländische weiße oder kalifornische weiße Rassen, umfasst den gesamten Kadaver) Bio-Grünbohnen, Grünkohl, Löwenzahngrün, Endivie, 100% natürliche Kollagenhülle.

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