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Können Eidechsen Weintrauben essen??

Die meisten pflanzenfressenden und allesfressenden Echsenarten können Weintrauben fressen, aber nur in Maßen.

Trauben sind reich an Oxalaten, welches Kalzium binden und dessen Aufnahme verhindern kann.

Lizards and Grapes
Lizards eating grapes

Dies kann zu gesundheitlichen Problemen wie Nierensteinen und Knochenschwund führen.

Trauben enthalten außerdem viel Zucker, was bei zu häufiger Fütterung zu Fettleibigkeit führen kann.

Wenn Sie sich dafür entscheiden, Ihrer Eidechse Weintrauben zu füttern, be sure to remove the seeds and only offer a few grapes per week.

You may also want to consider feeding your lizard a calcium supplement to help offset the oxalates in the grapes.

What grapes are safe for lizards?

Seedless grapes are the safest type of grapes to feed lizards. This is because the seeds in grapes are difficult to digest and can cause impaction, a serious health problem.

Green, purple, Rot, Schwarz, pink, and yellow grapes are all safe for lizards to eat. Jedoch, some lizards may prefer certain colors over others.

Thompson seedless grapes are a good option for lizards because they are easy to find and affordable.

They are also a good source of vitamins and minerals, wie Vitamin C, Kalium, und Faser.

What lizards can eat grapes?

Most species of lizards that are not strictly carnivore can eat small amounts of grapes.

The following common pet lizards can eat grapes:

  • Bartagamen
  • Bluetongue lizards
  • Leopard geckos
  • African fat-tailed geckos
  • Crested geckos
  • Gargoyle geckos
  • Uromastyx lizards
  • Spiny-tailed lizards
  • Water dragons
  • Gesetz
  • Leguane

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