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Bearded dragon and strawberries

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?

Bearded dragons can eat strawberries. They should be fed in moderation due to their high sugar content, which can lead to health issues such as obesity and diabetes if consumed excessively.

Uromastyx and berries

Welche Beeren kann Uromastyx essen??

Uromastyx lizards can eat berries, aber nur in Maßen. Himbeeren, Blaubeeren, Erdbeeren, Brombeeren, and mulberries are all safe for bearded dragons to eat. These berries are a good source of vitamins, Mineralien, und Antioxidantien, but they are also high in sugar. Too many berries can lead to obesity and other health problems.

This is how you can adopt a Komodo dragon

How To (Legally) Adopt a Komodo Dragon

Komodo dragons are an endangered species that cannot be legally bought or owned. There is however a way to “adopt” it. Alternative, other types of Monitor lizards and dragons can be legally kept as pets.

Uromastyx and celery

Can Uromastyx Eat Celery?

Uromastyx can safely consume celery, which is high in water and fiber. It should be fed sporadically because it is not particurarly nutrient-dense.

Grüner Leguan und Schokolade

Können Leguane Schokolade essen??

  • Leguan

Schokolade ist für Leguane giftig, da Echsen besonders empfindlich auf Theobromin reagieren, eine Verbindung, die in Schokolade vorkommt. Schokolade kann bei Reptilien eine Reihe von Gesundheitsproblemen verursachen, einschließlich Anfällen und Tod.

Marokkanischer Uromastyx

Moroccan Uromastyx For Sale

The Moroccan Uromastyx, also known as the Moroccan Spiny-Tailed Lizard or “Eye” Lizard, is a species of Uromastyx native to the dry scrublands of Morocco, North Africa. They are known for their unique frog-like face, short spiked tail, and very small scales compared to other agamids. They are quite long-lived with individuals recorded at 30 years old but with a more average lifespan of 15 Jahre. Moroccan Uromastyx lizards are… Weiterlesen »Moroccan Uromastyx For Sale

Pflege der Tegu-Eidechse

Kolumbianischer Tegus / Gold Tegus for Sale

  • Ein Akt

The Gold Tegu, also known as the Golden Tegu or Colombian Tegu (Tupinambis Teguixin), is a species of tegu lizard native to South America. They are known for their distinctive golden color and are highly sought after in the pet trade. Gold Tegus are available for sale through our affiliate partner CBReptile.com Golden tegus are different from Argentine Black & White tegus (Der Retter von Merian) and from Red tegus (tupinambis saniert).… Weiterlesen »Kolumbianischer Tegus / Gold Tegus for Sale

Pet green iguana with name tag

Names for Pet Iguanas | 100 Unique Ideas for Any Gender

  • Leguan

Are you adopting an iguana and looking for ideas on how to name your new pet? Take a look below for some inspiration, with our list of names suitable for any gender of iguana. We’ve selected a few names inspired by the world of reptiles, Leguane, Popkultur, and mythology, or which we simply found to be especially suited or funny for an iguana. Unter, a list of unique name… Weiterlesen »Names for Pet Iguanas | 100 Unique Ideas for Any Gender