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Can blue-tongued skinks eat cucumbers?

Technically, blue-tongued skinks can eat cucumbers without any issues. There are however very few reasons you would want to feed your pet lizard cucumbers in the first place: they are very poorly nutritionally, as they mostly contain water and not much else.

Blue-tongued skink with cucumber
Blue tongue skink vs Cucumber

Cucumbers are then to be considered a refreshing treat that can help your blue tongue skink stay hydrated but should not be a staple in their diet, as there are many much more nutritious and healthier options out there.

Feeding Cucumber to Blue-tongued Skinkssk

  • Wash the cucumber thoroughly. This will remove any dirt or pesticides that may be present on the surface. Be sure to rinse the cucumber under cold water for at least 30 seconds, and scrub it with a vegetable brush if necessary.
  • Cut the cucumber into small pieces. This will make it easier for your skink to eat and will help to prevent choking. The pieces should be no larger than the width of your skink’s head.
  • Do not season the cucumber. Blue tongued skinks do not need seasoning, and it can be harmful to their health. Seasonings like salt, pepper, and garlic powder can upset your skink’s stomach and cause diarrhea.
  • Feed cucumbers as an occasional treat. Cucumbers are not very nutritious, so they should not be the main part of your skink’s diet. A healthy diet for a blue tongued skink consists of a variety of insects, vegetables, and fruits.
  • Avoid feeding pickles to your skink. Pickles are high in sodium, which can be harmful to blue tongued skinks. Sodium can cause dehydration and other health problems in skinks.

Reptilink Options for Blue-tongue Skinks

The 25/25/50 Omnivore blend + Insects reptilinks are specially formulated for adult and subadult blue-tongued skinks they contain 50% vegetable matter (no fruit), 25% insects, and 25% lean rabbit.

Ingredients: Insects (hisser roaches, crickets, superworms), Rabbit (Ohio raised New Zealand white or California white breed, includes entire carcass) organic green beans, collard greens, dandelion greens, endive, 100% natural collagen casing.

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