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Tegu Care

Target Training a Tegu Lizard

Target Training for Tegu Lizards

  • Tegu

Target training is a valuable technique for taming and training tegu lizards. It involves teaching the lizard to respond to a specific target, such as a brightly colored dowel rod or a clicker, and associating it with positive reinforcement.

Baby Black and White Tegu Handling

Tegu Handling Tips, Taming Techniques and What to Avoid

  • Tegu

Tegu lizards are intelligent and social animals that can make great pets. However, they are not naturally inclined to trust humans, and it is important to tame and handle them correctly to build trust and ensure a positive experience

Tegu Enclosure / Terrarium

How to Choose the Best Enclosure for Your Pet Tegu

  • Tegu

Tegu lizards are large reptiles that need a spacious enclosure. Choose an enclosure that is at least 8x4x4 feet and has a secure lid, adequate ventilation, and a temperature and humidity gradient.

a lizard on brown sand

Choosing the Best Substrate for Your Tegu

  • Tegu

Tegus are large, ground-dwelling lizards that love to dig and burrow. When choosing a substrate for your tegu’s enclosure, it is important to consider their needs and preferences. Tegus love to dig and burrow, so you should provide a varied substrate that will allow them to do so. A good substrate option is a mixture of newspaper or butcher paper as a base, with large sections of topsoil, cypress mulch… Read More »Choosing the Best Substrate for Your Tegu