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Legality of Monitor Lizards in New York

Can You Own a Monitor Lizard in New York State?

New York State has specific laws governing the ownership of exotic animals including large reptiles like Monitor lizards. These laws allow, restrict, or prohibit the ownership of certain species of animals. The Department of Conservation (DÉC) regulates most exotic animals. Many species of monitor lizards are illegal to own as pets in New York, particurarly those that are very large in size. Restricted Species Citing regulations from the aformentioned Department of… Lire la suite »Can You Own a Monitor Lizard in New York State?

Are There Komodo Dragons in California?

Are There Komodo Dragons in California?

Californie, famous for its diverse wildlife, is home to all sorts of animals, from grizzly bears to desert tortoises. But one critter you won’t stumble upon in the wild here is the Komodo dragon. These guys are the biggest lizards globally and hail from Indonesia, a pretty far-off place from the U.S. They mostly hang out on islands like Komodo and Flores and aren’t found anywhere in the Americas. Even… Lire la suite »Are There Komodo Dragons in California?

Tegu avec le drapeau de la Floride

Les Tegus sont-ils légaux en Floride?

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Dès 2022, il est illégal de garder des lézards Tegu comme animal de compagnie en Floride. Les tegu sont devenus une espèce envahissante et leur transport est soumis à des restrictions strictes., posséder, vente et élevage de ces animaux en l'état.

Walking a pet tegu outside in Florida

Legality of Keeping a Tegu in Florida in 2024

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Florida has banned Tegu lizards due to their invasive nature and threat to local ecosystems. The pet trade industry and Tegu owners face significant changes due to these new regulations.

Sylvio le Tégu Rouge et sa famille

Une famille réunie avec un lézard tegu disparu au Texas

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Sylvio, un lézard tegu rouge de 3,5 pieds, disparu de son domicile à Beaumont, Texas, sans que sa famille s'en aperçoive. Il a été retrouvé errant dans les rues par un expert en reptiles qui l'a hébergé jusqu'à ce que ses propriétaires le réclament..

Bearded dragon with US Flag

Pouvez-vous posséder un dragon barbu dans votre état?

La légalité de posséder des dragons barbus, certains des lézards de compagnie les plus populaires, varie selon les États américains. Certains États autorisent la propriété, d'autres nécessitent des réglementations, alors que certains le jugent illégal.

Alligators in Florida

Y a-t-il des alligators en Floride?

Florida is home to one of the largest population of alligators in the world, with an estimated 1.3 million individuals. Alligators can be found in all 67 counties in Florida, and they can be found in a variety of habitats, including swamps, marshes, des lacs, rivières, and even urban areas.

Alligators in Texas

Y a-t-il des alligators au Texas?

Texas is home to the largest alligator population in the United States, with an estimated 500,000 individuals. Alligators can be found in a variety of freshwater habitats throughout the state, including swamps, marshes, rivières, and lakes. They are most common in the eastern and southeastern parts of the state, but they can also be found in central and western Texas.