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Legality of Monitor Lizards in New York

Can You Own a Monitor Lizard in New York State?

New York State has specific laws governing the ownership of exotic animals including large reptiles like Monitor lizards. These laws allow, restrict, or prohibit the ownership of certain species of animals. The Department of Conservation (DEC) regulates most exotic animals. Many species of monitor lizards are illegal to own as pets in New York, particurarly those that are very large in size. Restricted Species Citing regulations from the aformentioned Department of… Baca selengkapnya »Can You Own a Monitor Lizard in New York State?

Are There Komodo Dragons in California?

Are There Komodo Dragons in California?

Kalifornia, famous for its diverse wildlife, is home to all sorts of animals, from grizzly bears to desert tortoises. But one critter you won’t stumble upon in the wild here is the Komodo dragon. These guys are the biggest lizards globally and hail from Indonesia, a pretty far-off place from the U.S. They mostly hang out on islands like Komodo and Flores and aren’t found anywhere in the Americas. Even… Baca selengkapnya »Are There Komodo Dragons in California?

Tegu with the flag of Florida

Are Tegus Legal in Florida?

As of 2022, it is illegal to keep Tegu lizards a pet in Florida. Tegu have become an invasive species and there are strict restrictions on the transportation, owning, selling and breeding of these animals in the state.

Berjalan-jalan dengan tegu hewan peliharaan di luar Florida

Legalitas Memelihara Tegu di Florida 2024

Florida telah melarang kadal Tegu karena sifatnya yang invasif dan ancaman terhadap ekosistem lokal. Industri perdagangan hewan peliharaan dan pemilik Tegu menghadapi perubahan signifikan akibat peraturan baru ini.

Alligator Menyerang Tiga Orang di Area Rekreasi Alexander Springs

Taman Florida Menutup Area Kolam Setelah Beberapa Serangan Buaya

  • Buaya

Seekor aligator setinggi 9 kaki menyerang tiga orang dalam insiden terpisah di Kawasan Rekreasi Alexander Springs di Florida, meninggalkan mereka dengan luka di kepala dan leher. Petugas taman telah menutup area kolam sampai pemberitahuan lebih lanjut.

Buaya di Tennessee

Apakah Ada Buaya di Tennessee? danau, Sungai dan Daerah Dengan Aligator

  • Buaya

Aligator memperluas jangkauannya ke utara dan telah terlihat di beberapa wilayah di Tennessee, termasuk Shelby, Hardin, dan Fayette. Danau dan sungai dengan aligator di Tennessee termasuk Danau Chickamauga, Danau Barkley, Danau Reelfoot, Sungai Mississippi, Sungai Tennessee, dan Kawasan Pengelolaan Margasatwa Wolf River.

Alligators in Florida

Apakah Ada Buaya di Florida?

  • Buaya

Florida is home to one of the largest population of alligators in the world, with an estimated 1.3 million individuals. Alligators can be found in all 67 counties in Florida, and they can be found in a variety of habitats, including swamps, marshes, danau, sungai, and even urban areas.

Alligators in Texas

Apakah Ada Buaya di Texas?

  • Buaya

Texas is home to the largest alligator population in the United States, with an estimated 500,000 individuals. Alligators can be found in a variety of freshwater habitats throughout the state, including swamps, marshes, sungai, and lakes. They are most common in the eastern and southeastern parts of the state, but they can also be found in central and western Texas.