» The Bearded Dragon Urination Process

The Bearded Dragon Urination Process

Dealing with urine and excrements is an unpleasant but necessary part of every pet owner’s life. You may be surprised to find out that, in a way, bearded dragons don’t really pee.

Or, to be more specific, bearded dragons technically do pee, but not in the same way as mammals.

Because they have adapted to life in desert habitats, bearded dragons evolved to secrete waste in solid form in order to maximize liquid retention. This means that their “pee” is actually solid.

What does bearded dragon pee look like?

Bearded dragons do not urinate in the typical liquid form like mammals; instead, they excrete a solid substance known as urates.

These urates appear as white or slightly yellowish, moist, log-shaped deposits. This unique form of waste excretion is a crucial aspect of a bearded dragon’s physiological functions.

The white substance produced by bearded dragons, often mistaken for urine, is actually urate, a solid waste product primarily composed of uric acid.

Urate plays a vital role in conserving water within the body of the bearded dragon.

Healthy bearded dragon urate should be white, well-formed, and not hard, chalky, discolored, watery, or loose.

Why Bearded Dragons Don’t Pee Like The Rest of Us

Bearded dragons are native to the arid and semi-arid regions of Australia, where water is scarce.

The secretion of urate by bearded dragons is an adaptation to their desert environment, as it allows them to conserve water.

Urate is a white, sometimes powdery substance that consists mainly of uric acid, a byproduct of protein metabolism.

This is often mistaken for urine itself, but it’s actually a concentrated form of urine.

Bearded dragons have evolved to conserve water by separating their pee into two forms: a clear-yellow liquid (urine) and a moist white solid product (urate).

What to do if your Bearded Dragon Pee is Liquid

If you’re noticing a change in your bearded dragon’s urination process, such as more liquid than usual, it could be due to various factors, but it is generally not a reason to be concerned.

In many cases, an overly liquid urination can be linked ot diet, it simply means your bearded dragon is overly-hydrated.

It could have been drinking too much water or munching on too many watery vegetables (例えば. キュウリ).

This is not necessarily unhealthy, but do make sure they have access to a balanced diet consisting of both vegetables and protein in the form of insects.

If your bearded dragon’s urine is consistently liquid and is accompanied by other signs of illness such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or unusual behavior, it would be a good idea to consult a vet.

でも, if your bearded dragon is behaving normally and is eating and drinking properly, the liquid urine could simply be a sign of good hydration.
