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» 귀하의 Tegu에 가장 적합한 기판 선택

귀하의 Tegu에 가장 적합한 기판 선택

테구스는 크다, 땅을 파고 굴을 파는 것을 좋아하는 땅에 사는 도마뱀. tegu 인클로저용 기판을 선택할 때, 그들의 필요와 선호도를 고려하는 것이 중요합니다.

테구스는 파고 파는 걸 좋아해요, 따라서 그렇게 할 수 있도록 다양한 기반을 제공해야 합니다..

좋은 기질 옵션은 신문이나 정육점 종이를 기본으로 혼합하는 것입니다., 표토가 큰 부분이 있는 경우, cypress mulch or aspen bedding. This will give them a variety of textures to explore and burrow in.

If you have to pick a single type of bedding, 그 다음에 cypress mulch is your best option. This type of substrate will resemble a natural tropical forest flooring and is ideal for humidity-loving reptiles such as tegus.

이 페이지에는 제휴 링크가 포함되어 있습니다.. 아마존 직원으로서 적격 제품 구매에 대해 수수료를 받을 수 있습니다.. 이것은 당신에게 추가 비용이 없습니다.

tegu lizard on brown sand
Photo by Mateo Franciosi on Pexels.com

Cypress Mulch

Cypress mulch is a good choice for tegus because it is soft, absorbent, and has a pleasant smell that tegus seem to enjoy. It is also less likely to cause blockages in the digestive tract than other substrates, such as sand.

Cypress mulch is made from the bark of cypress trees, and often comes labeled as “forest” bedding. It is a good choice for tegus of all ages, and it is relatively inexpensive.

SuperMoss Galápagos Cypress Tank Mulch Forest Floor BeddingJosh’s Frogs Super Cypress Reptile MulchZoo Med Forest Floor BeddingFluker’s Premium Tropical Cypress Bedding for Reptile
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Aspen Shavings

Aspen shavings are another good option for tegus. They are also soft and absorbent, and they are less likely to mold than cypress mulch.

하지만, they are not as pleasant-smelling as cypress mulch. Aspen shavings are made from the bark of aspen trees, and they are available in a variety of colors.

이상적으로, use aspen shavings as an addition to cypress mulch to allow for easier burrowing.

Galápagos Aspen Digs Shavings BeddingZoo Med Aspen Snake BeddingBNOSDM Premium Natural Aspen Bedding for Snakes
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Newspaper or Butcher Paper

Newspaper or butcher paper are inexpensive and easy to find substrates that are also non-toxic and easy to clean.

These are a good option for tegus that are still young or that are prone to ingesting substrate.

Newspaper and butcher paper are not as absorbent as other substrates, so they will need to be changed more frequently. 하지만, they are a good way to keep your tegu’s enclosure clean and free of odors.


ReptiSand is a sand-based substrate that is designed for reptiles that live in desert or sandy environments.

Sand can be added to a tegu’s terrarium to provide a more diverse environment and burrowing opportunities.

A good mixture for tegus would be 40% Reptisand, 20% organic topsoil, 그리고 10% coconut mulch

It is available in a variety of colors, and it can be used to create a variety of substratescapes.

Eco Earth

Eco Earth is a coconut-fiber substrate that is good for tegus. It is absorbent and helps to keep the enclosure clean. 하지만, it can be dusty, so it is important to wet it before using it.

Eco Earth is made from coconut husks, and it is available in a variety of forms, including bricks, loose fiber, and pellets.

It is a good choice for tegus of all ages, and it is also relatively inexpensive.

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